“I’m passing along a message.” She looks me up and down.


“The king requests your presence at the castle, but it looks like you have other plans.”

“Actually, I do. You can relay the message to him. And also let him know I have to study this weekend and the coming week. The whole week.”

“I don’t think he’s going to be happy to hear that.”

“I’m sure he’ll get over it. Maybe if I had a shell phone, I could tell him myself.”

“First years aren’t allowed phones.”

“Then you’ll have to tell him. Excuse me.” I squeeze past her and close the door.

She looks like she wants to say more but doesn’t. I almost feel bad for her. She lost someone too. Not only that, but she was planning on becoming queen. Now she’s back, stuck being the dean of mermaids.

But it’s hard to feel bad for someone who almost single-handedly was behind the majority of my misery here at school.

I head for the lounge.

“You didn’t have to kill him, you know.”

I spin around and study her. She hasn’t lost an ounce of her arrogance. “He didn’t leave me any other choice.”

“He could’ve defeated Tiberias. He’d done it before.”

“But he couldn’t defeat me. And I wasn’t going to let him get away with torturing my friends.” I narrow my eyes. “I won’t let anyone get away with that.”

Color drains from her face.

Maybe the end of this school term is also the end of me being the victim of circumstance and bullies. I hold my head high as I continue staring her down and come to a decision.

It is the end of that era.