Chapter 11

My alarm wails, and I swear it’s louder than normal. Either that or I have a massive headache. My bet is on the latter.

A pillow hits me in the face.

“Turn that thing off!” Halen mutters.

“Sorry.” I fumble around until I find it.

“Where were you last night?” she asks.

“Ask Mr. Brant.”


I sit up and rub my eyes. “The jerk gave me three times the homework I had before.”

“Ugh, really? Because of that thing with Earwyn?”

“No. I almost forgot about that. And he’s making me start to lift weights too.”

“What’d you ever do to him?”

“It wasn’t me, it was the trident.”

She lifts a brow.

“Never mind.” I fling off the covers and grab a uniform from my closet.

Halen sits on my bed. “How are you doing?”

“Busy.” I pull on the shirt.

“No, I mean how are you really? Finding out that Tiberias is actually your dad, and now he’s marrying your mom. And he’s the reason you’re turning into Queen Sirena and why you have to do the trials. And—”

“I’m not turning into Queen Sirena. I’m me, and I’m staying me. I just happen to have similarities with her.”

“Tiberias was trying to resurrect her at the same time you were conceived.”

“Do you have any idea how weird it is that everyone is talking about my conception?” I shudder, not wanting to think about my parents in that way.

“That’s hardly the strangest thing about all of this.”

“It’s the most awkward.” I plop down at my vanity and fuss with my hair, not that it matters since my first class is weapons. I’m also going to spar five times today—four practice sessions plus my class. And that’s not counting lifting weights. I’m going to have to thank the trident for that.

“Not really. It’s part of life.”

“Let’s talk about something else. Is there another dance coming up?”

Halen’s expression lights up. “I heard there’s going to be an announcement today! I wonder if they’re going to tell us at breakfast. Too bad Frost can’t come. I already miss him.”

“It’s that serious?” I’m so glad to have distracted her.

She sighs dramatically. “I’m already trying to figure out how I’m going to get over there on my own this summer.”

“Fun. Maybe we can brainstorm ideas later.”

“Perfect!” She leaps up and grabs her uniform.