He winks. “You’ll go?”

“Fine.” I sigh dramatically.

“You will? You won’t regret it!”

“That’s yet to be seen,” I mumble.

“Let’s change out of these uniforms, then I’ll meet you in the dorm lounge. Tell Halen to join us.”

“Can’t. Her parents picked her up before the assembly. They’re vacationing somewhere in the Atlantic and wanted to get an early start.”

“Then it’s just you and me. We’ll take my motorcycle.”

I snuggle close to him. “I like that idea.”

He laces his fingers through mine. “I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I was really starting to worry about you.”

“I appreciate that. And you’re right. It’s time to stop moping and start enjoying life. And really, what’s not to enjoy? I’ve got you as my boyfriend, and Earwyn will be out of my hair for a whole week.”

He snorts. “Except we’re heading over to her house.”

“I hope Rudder gives her a second head. Although that would be two mouths instead of one.” I shudder. “Maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea.”

Bash chuckles. “Probably not. But the good news is her parents’ place is enormous. We should easily be able to avoid her and her crew.”

A sting of jealousy pokes me. I shove it aside. “You’ve been to her house?”

“Are you kidding? That girl loves throwing parties. Anyone who grew up in Valora has been there multiple times.”

I frown. “I’ve missed so much.”

“Yeah, but you’ve also experienced things most of us never will up there. Things we couldn’t even imagine, from the sounds of it. Even though most people could go to the surface, how many actually ever will?”

“True. That reminds me, I still want to reverse the spell keeping you from shifting your tail into legs. I want you to see the things most merpeople never will.”

He flips his hair back. “Meh, I’m not worried about it.”

“I’d love to show you around up there, even if we don’t stay.”

We go up the dorm stairs and stop on my level. He kisses me deeply and gives me a dazed look before speaking. “And I love you for that. For now, let’s just focus on the party. Nothing else matters but making sure you have fun.”

“Sounds good to me.” Nothing better than forgetting legends about having to kill someone I love.

After another kiss, Bash heads up the stairs to his room and I make my way to my suite. Part of me still feels bad about having it—it’s meant for fourth-years. I honestly believe the only reason I got it is because Middlebrooks wanted to cause trouble for me, not because I’m the daughter of the king like I was originally told.

The room feels so empty with Halen gone, but it’s only for a week. And besides, she was so excited about the trip. I can’t remember the name of the city her family is visiting, but it sounded romantic, like the underwater version of Paris.

I take off my uniform and stare at my clothing options. There are all kinds of choices for parties—everything from casual to formal. It’s hard to know what to expect from Earwyn. I could see her going all out and expecting people to dress formally, but this is also the end of the quarter and everyone is going to be eager to blow off steam and not be stuck in uncomfortable clothes.

I’m overthinking this. I grab a cute shimmery teal dress that’s both attractive and comfortable, and can also be dressed up or down. After fixing my hair, I add a strand of pearls that I can stuff into my pocket if everyone is casual.

Knock, knock!

I thought Bash was going to meet me in the lounge. Guess he couldn’t wait. I open the door with my best smile.

Middlebrooks is there.

My heart sinks and my face burns. “What’s going on?”