“You weren’t avoiding me because I didn’t do what you told me to do?”

He studies me. “Do you really take me for that kind of guy?”


“Good, because I want you to have a mind of your own. Yeah, I’d like to think you value my opinion enough to consider it, but that wasn’t what bothered me.”

“I wasn’t trying to push you away. It was too much for me to process, and I couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud. Do you know what it was like to be at my dad’s funeral after killing him, to have my mom and uncle make their grand entrance like two lovebirds? I didn’t even know she was back in Valora! I guess she was too busy making out with her lover to tell me.”

“Or maybe she just arrived moments earlier, and they just wanted to surprise you.”

I chew on my lower lip before responding. “No. I’m certain they wanted to stick it to my dad and Middlebrooks. That’s what it was about. I’ll bet if Tiberias couldn’t have done that, he wouldn’t have allowed the funeral. He says it was for my sake, but I have to wonder. Traitors don’t get funerals, and why else was Middlebrooks one of the only nine people allowed there?”

“That is a good question.” He squeezes my hand. “Did Tiberias share anything at the service?”

“Yeah. He talked about their childhood.”

“Maybe he wanted to honor the brother he once got along with but also wanted to stick it to the one who betrayed him. He could be as conflicted as you are.”

I study him for a moment. “You’re surprisingly insightful.”

“Surprisingly?” He cocks a brow.

“You know what I mean.”

“I do?”

“Never mind.” I take a deep breath and lean against him.

He chuckles and kisses my palm. “I’m only teasing. I have a reputation, and it sure isn’t for my intelligence.”

“I didn’t mean you’re not smart.”

“It’s fine. I know what you meant. Are you feeling better now?”

I shrug. “I guess, but it doesn’t change anything. I’m probably going to get in trouble for property damage and for attacking Earwyn—even though she had it coming. Everyone’ll side with her. They always do.”

“I won’t.” He wraps his arm around me. “I’ve got to get to the practice room. You want to sing with the band?”

“And put everyone to sleep?” I frown. “No thanks.”

“Didn’t we already have this discussion? You don’t always do that. People were inebriated when that happened. That’s the connection.”

“Or the fact that I was under the influence.” I shake my head. “Not that it matters, I’m done singing. It’s mortifying to have people look at me like I’m some kind of freak. Besides, I need to study. I’d like to actually get ahead this term. I was behind from the start last time.”

He rubs his chin. “Can’t argue with that logic. But think about singing with us again?”

I frown.

“For me?” He bats his lashes and gives me an over-exaggerated pout.

I burst out laughing. “I can’t say no to that. If I can get ahead of my studies, I’ll join you guys.”

“Please do. We really need female vocals.”

“Yours are just fine.” I trace my finger along his lip, and a chill runs through me. Bash kisses my fingertip then leans closer and takes possession of my mouth. He tastes of cherries and vanilla, and he smells heavenly. I lean against him and forget about all my troubles, relieved everything is good between us again. That’s all I really need anyway.

He pulls away all too soon. “As much as I’d like to continue this, the guys are going to be furious with me if I’m late again.”