Chapter 4

The suite door flings open. Halen drops a load of suitcases and sighs dramatically. She swims over the pile and throws her arms around me. “I missed you! Did you have fun? I’ve got to fill you in on everything that happened!”

I return the embrace but don’t answer her question. I don’t want to talk about anything. The longest spring break of my life is finally over. I spent the majority of my waking hours studying before taking my exams. I’m not sure what the results are, but I sailed through each test.

Bash didn’t call or stop by once. Not that I have a shell phone, but he could’ve left a message or asked me to take the call from the office.

Halen doesn’t seem to notice my mood and goes on to tell me about her trip to the Atlantic. They explored a city and she met a cute guy who promised to keep in touch.

She plops onto my bed breathless and smiles. “Now tell me all about your break. Tell me you didn’t study the whole time!”

“That’s about it, really.”

“What aren’t you telling me?” She tilts her head and studies me. “What happened?”

I groan.

Her mouth drops open. “I knew something had happened! Did Middlebrooks give you a hard time? She had nothing better to do, so she picked on you all week?”

“No. I barely saw her.”

Halen frowns. “What is it? Earwyn?”

I start to answer, but then she looks around. “Wait a minute. Where’s Bash? I’d think you two would’ve been inseparable without having to worry about classes.”

“He spent the week with one of the guys.”

“Not you?”


She covers her mouth. “Did you two have your first lovers’ spat?”

“I wish it was just a spat.”

“What?” she exclaims. “You two had an actual argument?”

I draw a deep breath and tell her the entire painful story of Earwyn’s party. As much as I can remember anyway. Some of it is pretty blurry, especially right after I took the powder.

“You took tristle?” Her eyes widen.


“You didn’t even care how dangerous that stuff is?”

I frown. “Now you’re sounding like Bash.”

“Good. I’m glad he at least tried to talk sense into you. Why would you consider going near that stuff?”

“I know nothing about it! How would I?”

“Oh, right. I didn’t think about that. Well, now you know all about it.”


She studies me. “You seem okay, though. No long-lasting effects?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”