I shake my head. “It has to be me.”

His brows draw together. “Why?”

I take advantage of his confusion and race around him, attacking my dad with more of the Ayers power. He drops his weapon. His eyes widen. He cries out.

My uncle races past me toward my dad.

I rush toward him and wrestle with him, repeating that it has to be me.

“Why?” He stops.

“It has to do with the legend we were discussing.”

He wrinkles his forehead then holds a lock of my pink hair. “You mean this?”

I nod.

“I don’t understand.”

“There isn’t time to explain. You need to trust me.”

He starts to say something, but then moves back. “You have my blessing, in the name of Queen Sirena.”

I glance over at Halen and Bash again, allowing myself to create another green ball. Then I aim it at my dad. He goes limp and simply floats there.

It’s over.

Middlebrooks screams and races over to my dad.

Tiberias is the reigning king, and I’ve fulfilled Queen Sirena’s curse.

Yet I don’t feel any relief. How can I when I’ve killed my dad? Even though he forced my hand, it doesn’t help me to feel better about it. I gasp, and my body goes limp. Tears blur my vision.

Someone puts their arm around me. I don’t know who. Can barely think.

The camera people race onto the mats, asking a million questions. I pull away from them. Struggle to breathe. Everything is closing in around me.

I have to get away. Out of the room where my dad’s body floats. Far from the cameras. Mourn the life I had. Prepare for the one ahead of me. Come to terms with the fact that I’m basically an orphan. No, my mom isn’t dead, but I’ll never see her again.

Several people shove microphones in my face, assaulting me with questions.

“I can’t.” I race away, flipping my tail as fast as possible.

People call out my name, but I keep going. Have to get away from everything. Can’t face anyone. Not even my uncle.

I fulfilled the legend of Queen Sirena. It had to happen. My dad had to be stopped after everything he’d done.

I can still hear voices as I hurry down the corridors. That means some of the reporters are following me. But I can get away from them—there are certain areas they aren’t allowed. They risk execution if they break that law.

So I head straight for one of the private areas. Take as many twists and turns as possible, going up and down levels until all I find is silence.

Struggling to breathe, I lean against a wall. Slink down. Give into the tears. Sob until my body aches. Once there isn’t anything left in me, I feel bad for leaving Halen and Bash. Hopefully they understand. I did it for them and for my mom. He had to be stopped.

Voices sound down the hall to the left. I force myself up and go in the other direction. I’m still shaking, and the reality of the situation is weighing more heavily on me with each passing moment. It’s growing, clawing at me.

I killed my dad. It had to be done, but I don’t think that’s going to make it any easier to deal with. He was my dad. I struggle to breathe, but I don’t want to cry in another random hallway. No, I need to get to my room.

The same place where he read me stories as a kid. Told me true adventures from his life. Back in those days, he’d been my hero. I thought he was the greatest merman in all of the four oceans. That he could do no wrong.