“Who is?”

“My trident.”

He arches a brow and moves back. “If you say so.”

“Maybe we should spar.”

“Are you sure?”

“If we get in trouble, I’ll take full responsibility. You won’t get expelled.”

Bash shrugs then grabs a pale blue sword from the cabinet and slices it through the water a few times. “Ready when you are.”

I look at my weapon. “Go easy on him. He’s on my side.”

You love him.

“Yes, I do.”

Bash moves closer to me, his expression uncertain. I’m not sure if it’s because he isn’t used to sparring with his girlfriend or because of my unusual powers.

I swing the trident at him, and he blocks the move right away. He appears to be better than Earwyn. I pull back and aim it at him from the other direction. He blocks even quicker this time.

Boring. You aren’t even trying.

Everyone’s a critic.

This is a yawn-fest. You’re going easy on him because you don’t want him to stop kissing you.

I take the bait and dart around to the other side and swing at him.

Better. Not quite as boring.

Bash and I move around the room quickly, blocking each other’s moves, but neither pinning the other.

You could pin him if you really wanted to.

The mealtime bell rings.

I pull my weapon back and take a deep breath. “Saved by the bell.”

Bash holds his sword low. “You’re the most advanced sparring partner I’ve faced. You sure you never practiced when you lived on land?”

“Not even close.”

After we put our weapons away, I use my power to lock the cabinet. Then I hold out some of my hair. Exactly the same as it was before. I also don’t feel any more powerful.

Did I do something wrong? Was I supposed to fight my dad with the trident?

Bash puts his arm around my waist. “Let’s get dinner.”

We go into the hall, but I don’t say anything. Why didn’t anything happen when I used my trident? Am I supposed to do something else? Or is the whole Queen Sirena link all in my head? But isn’t just in my mind—after my hair changed, it was everyone else who told me about the legendary ruler.

Life was so much easier as a human.

On the way to the dining hall, we come across a lot of students. Nobody so much as glares at me. In fact, a surprising number smile at me. They even appear genuine.

Maybe I’ve actually proven myself. Too bad it took such a drastic measure to win everyone’s approval.