Chapter 25

The driver pulls up to the academy. “We’re here, your highness.”

As if I couldn’t see that for myself. My hands shake in my lap. How are people going to respond to me? I’m still the daughter of the king they wanted dead. But I’m also the one who killed him, so maybe that’ll earn me some grace. Just enough not to be hated anymore. Everyone can ignore me. I’d be more than happy to go back to being invisible.

“Are you ready, your majesty?”

“Sorry. Thank you. Yes, I’m ready to go in.”

He exits and opens my door for me. “Would you like me to take you inside?”

“No. I’ll be fine.”

“Very well.” He bows, then gets in and drives away.

I watch as the car gets smaller and finally disappears. Then I turn back to the black building and study the shape of the turrets. They remind me of the tips of my trident. And that reminds me to head inside and stop procrastinating.

More than anything else, I want to see Bash and Halen. They left the castle two days ago when classes started again for the week. That means I’m behind again, and so close to final exams. I might need to have my uncle re-cast that learning spell on me. Someone needs to come up with one that actually lasts.

I open the door and enter. This part of the building is always quiet, but I can hear muffled conversation. At least there aren’t any protests. With my dad gone, there probably won’t be any more. From the way everyone talks about Tiberias, they practically worship the ground he swims over.

With any luck, they’ll keep in mind that I’m his niece and he likes me.

I close the door, lean against it. Send up a silent but heartfelt prayer to be invisible, to make it so nobody will care about me. To have being Drake’s daughter and Tiberias’s niece cancel each other out.

Then I take a deep breath and make my way to the main part of the building. I pass the library first. Mostly, nobody even glances up, and the ones who do look at me with curiosity, not really showing whether they feel disdain or not.

I force a smile, hoping to show them I’m not a jerk, then head for the dorm. When I hear familiar music playing down the hall where the band practices, I get distracted. My heart leaps into my throat when I hear Bash’s deep voice, and I race for the room. I pause by the plant I used to hide behind before I could admit to myself how I felt about him. Everything in me wants to race over and throw my arms around him, but I manage to wait until the song ends.

Then I do exactly that. The happy shock on his face warms my heart as I squeeze him with all my pent-up energy.

“Easy there!” He gasps. “You’re stronger than you think!”

I let go and kiss him. Someone tells us to get a room. Bash pulls me closer.

The band starts another song. Bash pulls away, threads his fingers through mine, then leads me offstage. “I was getting worried about you. Every time I called the castle, they said you were resting. Are you okay?”

“As well as can be expected. How are you? Halen?”

“We’re both good.” He rubs his cheek. “And all the bruises are gone. Just like new.”

I smile. “You’re both okay after what my dad put you through?”

Bash straightens his back. “I’ve been through worse. Halen was pretty shaken, but she seems fine now. Eats with her friends every meal.”

Relief washes through me. “I’m so glad.” Then another thought strikes me. “What about Middlebrooks? Is she still here? Or was she banished for being on my dad’s side through all of his treachery?”

“She’s still the dean of mermaids, but I don’t know any details.”

“Interesting. Now I’m dying to know how that happened. She had to have signed her soul away or something along those lines.”

Bash snickers. “Maybe. You’re really doing okay?”

“I think so. I’m eager to test out my trident after fulfilling that curse.”

“Let’s go to the weapons room.” He turns to the band and waves. “I’m outta here! Catch you guys later.”

They all say goodbye, then Bash and I make our exit. We pass a group of upper-years.