My heart races so loud I’m sure the servant can hear it.

“Did you get lost in there?” she calls.

“No. I’m ready to get dressed.”

“I can help you.”

“No! I mean, no thank you. Just give me a minute.” I glance toward the door to make sure she isn’t coming in to help. She isn’t. I slide out of my clothes and put on the outfit, leaving off part of the shirt. The way it is, it looks like a fighting outfit with a tube top. It’s going to have to do since I’ll have to slide a dress over it. And that’s exactly what I do.

I grab an emerald green dress and pull it on. It’s a little snug thanks to the leathers, but it’ll give me the chance to jump in and fight if the opportunity presents itself. The back of the dress has a criss-cross pattern and I tie it loosely before entering the room.

The servant nods with approval. “Lovely choice, your majesty.” She glances at the back. “Let me tighten that for you.”

“It’s fine, really. I—”

“Nonsense.” She pulls it tight, surprising me. “A little thick, aren’t we? We ought to speak with the academy about serving more vegetables.”

My jaw drops at her judginess. I’m about ready to tell her about the leathers underneath, but I keep quiet. She’d probably make me remove them, and there’s no way I’m going to do that. The real issue here is me being able to jump into the fight at a moment’s notice.

She finishes tying the strings, then I make a beeline for the door.

“Not so fast.” She moves between me and my exit. “We need to fix your hair.”

My shoulders slump. “What’s wrong with my hair?”

“Nothing, but you’re going to be on national television.”

The realization that all of Valora is going to watch my worst moment hits me. At least when my mom was banished, there were no cameras rolling. We got to say goodbye in private. But this is worse, so much worse. At least I know my mom is alive and hopefully enjoying herself. Maybe she’ll even find love again one day.

“This way.” The servant guides me over to the vanity and helps me sit. I barely pay attention as she brushes my hair, pulls it back, then tucks on a crown that matches my dress.

She glances at the time. “We need to leave. Are you happy with the way you look? Would you like me to apply some more makeup?”

“No. Let’s just go.” I don’t want to be picture perfect for the “big event” of losing either my dad or my uncle.

How has my life come down to this? To make matters worse, I have to face this alone because my mom is on the surface and Bash and Halen are still missing.

We make our way to another wing of the castle and come to a large gym I never knew was there. Camera people line the walls, and most have turned in my direction. A large brown mat takes up most of the space, and there are only a few rows of chairs. They’re all filled, save one. The servant leads me to it and motions for me to sit next to Middlebrooks.

I do, and try to hide the fact that I’m shaking. Conversation is light, and I don’t make eye contact with anyone. My throat feels like it’s closing. My back aches from the tight strings pressing on the leathers underneath. I’m not sure I’ll be able to loosen it quickly enough to jump onto the mat at a moment’s notice.

Time will tell.

A bell rings, and I look up. The same guy my uncle had been sparring earlier now stands in the middle of the mat with a mic. “Welcome one and all. Thank you for tuning in for the biggest event in Valora’s recent history. This is sure to be a night people will discuss for many years to come.”

My stomach lurches. I struggle to sit still and keep my face expressionless.

I hate this.

The servant discusses what everyone already knows—that my dad attempted to kill his brother then took his throne, keeping that fact from everyone. Then in painstaking detail, he goes over every unpopular decree my dad put into place. As if the people weren’t already rooting for my dad’s demise.

When he finally finishes, Uncle Tiberias struts onto the mat wearing bright yellow sparring gear and a huge crown. Everyone around me breaks out into applause and cheering.

Then my dad comes out wearing black and he has no crown. Only Middlebrooks and I clap for him. Others boo and shout.

Once the room finally quiets, the announcer points to my uncle’s crown. “Whoever survives this match, gets to keep this.”

Around me, people cheer for my uncle.

A servant hands Tiberias his trident and another gives my dad his.

My heart leaps into my throat. This is it. Either my uncle will kill my dad, or my dad will kill my uncle. One of them is really going to die.

The announcer moves off the mat. “Go!”

My dad and uncle lunge for each other at the exact same moment. Tiberias swings at my dad, who blocks the strike. The tridents spark brightly as they clash. The two brothers move around the mat so quickly, it’s hard to follow each movement.

At one point, my dad jumps to the other side and makes a strange signal with his thumb and first finger. Tiberias races for him, but before he reaches him, the servant who gave my dad his trident brings out two people and forces them between him and my uncle.

They aren’t any two people. It’s Bash and Halen.