Chapter 3

Ifinish another coffee and stare at my plate of breakfast foods. My head keeps throbbing and I haven’t stopped thinking about the mess at the bar the night before. The only explanation—as crazy as it sounds—is that my voice made all those people pass out. Why else would my hair have changed again? It’s the only thing that makes sense.

I did that. I caused a full group of mermen to lose consciousness. Just by singing.

Halen nudges me. “Announcements!”

“I’m too tired to care.” But I glance up anyway. Unfortunately, Mrs. Middlebrooks is on stage. She’s standing next to the advanced magic arts teacher, who is rambling on about some performance for the older students.

Then Mrs. Middlebrooks, my dad’s new fiancée—I hold back a gag—takes the mic. She smiles widely, holding her hand so everyone can see the enormous rock on her finger. From where I sit, it looks even bigger than my mom’s.

I press my palms on the underside of the table and take deep breaths. It takes all my self-control not to swim up there and take the woman down.

Middlebrooks discusses an upcoming talent show and some sparring competition, but I can barely focus. I just want to yank that ring off her finger and lock her in her office until my dad comes to his senses and sends for my mom. She’s his wife. Not that nasally, annoying merwoman on stage.

Just as Middlebrooks is about to hand the mic to the dean of one of the other schools, she pulls it back and looks directly at me.


“Marra Ayers, I’ll need to speak with you in my office directly after breakfast.”

I force a smile and nod.

Others around me whisper and stare, saying that I’m in trouble.

Halen turns to me. “What does she want?”

“Hades if I know.” I take a bite of a roll, knowing I’ll need my strength for whatever Middlebrooks has in store for me.

Once the announcements are over, everyone scatters. I glance at the end of the table where Bash usually sits with the band. He isn’t there. I don’t blame him. I’d have slept in too, if Halen hadn’t dragged me out of bed.

“Want me to stay close?” Halen asks.

I shake my head. “You have that magic project you need to work on.”

“Yeah, but if you need me, I’m there.”

“I can handle her.” I glance over at Middlebrooks, anger churning in my gut.

“You look like you’re going to pop her in the nose.”

“Don’t I wish. No, I’m going to play nice. What other choice do I have? She’s marrying the only parent I have left. Dad will make my life miserable if I’m not on my best behavior with her.”

Halen scowls. “Doesn’t mean you can’t give her trouble. Subtlety is your friend.”

“I don’t even know what she wants. Maybe she’s after a truce.”

She laughs out loud. “Don’t hold your breath on that. I’ll be in the main library if you need me.”

I nod, then make my way slowly over to Middlebrooks’s office. Though I’ve beat her there, the door is cracked open. I glance around then push the door open a little more and peek inside.

Dad is sitting in her seat.

I should’ve known. My heart sinks.

He spins around and waves me in. “Come in, Marra.”

I bite back a rude comment and enter. “I’m surprised to see you here.”