Chapter 21

Itrudge away from my sparring practice, hardly able to keep my eyes open. I’ve been so sleepy today, it’s been a massive struggle to get through my classes. But at the same time, my mind has been wired because I’m so worried about Bash and Halen. I called Uncle Tiberias, who has his people looking for them, but I haven’t heard back from him and my friends haven’t returned.

It’s been so hard to focus today.

Nobody has any idea where either of them might be. Even Earwyn feigned innocence. She was so convincing, I nearly believed her act.

But I don’t. Not for a moment. That’s why I’m following the sea cow—and yes, I know that’s an insult to manatees everywhere.

I’m staying far enough behind that she shouldn’t notice me. Luckily, I’m so exhausted I don’t stand a chance of accidentally following too closely. I just need to be patient and wait for her to lead me to them.

Hopefully I can stay awake long enough for that to happen. No, not hopefully. I will. This is for Bash and Halen. I’ll sleep once I know they’re safe.

Earwyn and her dogfish stop and flirt with some fourth-year guys. I pause and hide behind a statue.

A group of students hurry by, shouting for people to go outside by the woods.

My stomach knots. That was where the students were protesting. What could be going on now? Surely not more of that. Everybody’s happy that Tiberias is back.

Except for the fact he’s not technically king yet. All of that is still in the air.

It has to be another protest. What if Earwyn has somehow involved Bash and Halen in it? She can’t do anything to me, but nothing is stopping her from hurting the ones I love.

Or I could be overreacting. I don’t have any proof she’s behind this. But who else would it be? Nobody else has been as out to get me as she has, and from what Bahari said, she expects to get her way no matter what. Why would she care if she hurt Halen and Bash?

She wouldn’t. They mean nothing to her, but they mean everything to me.

It’s her. There isn’t any other explanation.

I race down the hall, ready to confront her. There’s nothing to lose. She can’t do anything to me. I can even demand, in the name of King Tiberias, that she tell me exactly where my friends are.

When I reach Earwyn, she’s in the middle of a crowd of students. I grab her shoulder. “Where are Bash and Halen?”

She scrunches her face. “What are you talking about?”

I squeeze tighter. “Where are they?”

“How would I know?”

“Because hurting them is the only way you can do anything to me now.” I tighten my grip and watch my fist glow green. I don’t bother to stop it this time.

“Has your new invincibility gone to your head and made you mad?”

Cove and Vanya giggle.

I focus my anger and watch my fist brighten.

“Ow!” Earwyn shirks away and glowers at me. “You think you can get away with that? You’re wrong! Touch me again, and you’ll find out just how much trouble you can actually get into.”

“Is that a threat?” I tilt my head.

“No, just a promise.”

Vanya tugs on Earwyn. “Come on! I want to join the protest.”

I hold back an eye roll. “What could you possibly protest?”

Earwyn gives me a smug grin. “We’re demanding the death of your daddy dearest.”