“No, it can’t. I’m working on a plan, but I’m not ready to share the details of it yet.”

My stomach knots. “Are you going to banish us again?”

“You’re free to stay at the academy regardless of what happens. Or you can move into the castle if that would be easier. However, you shouldn’t have any more problems there now.”

I jolt. “You’d let me stay in the castle?”

“Of course. Your old room is still as you left it, though I imagine you’d want to update it. We can store the dolls, if you’d like. Or donate them to the less fortunate. It’s all up to you. But I do need to get going. Be in touch, would you?”


We say our goodbyes, then he ends the call.

Bash takes his phone back. “What did he say?”

“It’s safe to return to the academy, or anywhere in Valora. Whatever anyone does to me will be considered doing the same to him. If Earwyn insults me, she’s insulting the beloved king.”

He smiles widely. “That’s great news!”

“That’s not all.”

“There’s more?”

“Yeah. He said I could stay in the castle if I wanted. My dad wouldn’t even allow that. He shipped me off to the academy as soon as we arrived.”

Bash’s smile fades. “Where do you want to stay?”

I press my lips on his. “As close to you as I can.”

“That’s even greater news.” He returns the kiss. “I hope this doesn’t mean I’m kissing the king.”

I laugh. “Not a chance.”

He kisses me again.