I narrow my eyes. “I don’t know any more than you do!”

Bash wraps his arm around me. “Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this!”

One girl scowls. “Right. Your father is the evil king. That makes you the evil princess!”

I lean forward, but Bash keeps his hold on me. “Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The girl glowers at Bash. “You better keep your girlfriend in line! We’ll revolt against her!”

Bash pulls me tighter. “If you have something to say, say it to her. I don’t control her. I’m not like that.”

“Of course not. She’s Drake Ayers’s daughter. She controls you!”

I lunge for her, but Bash holds me even tighter. “She’s not worth it.”

The anchorman speaks to the camera again. “Word has it, the crown is ready to speak.”

My stomach lurches. I wish my dad would’ve given me a heads-up about this. Not that I’m surprised. He doesn’t care how any of his decisions affect me.

The screen turns black for just a moment before Tiberias appears.

I gasp, and people look at me like I’m crazy. Nobody seems to realize it’s him. And why would they? He’s supposed to be dead, and he has the same face as my dad. But I can tell it’s him. For one, he’s in the room with the Queen Sirena painting. Also, his hair and beard are different. His is more of a five o’clock shadow than a beard.

“My beloved people of Valora,” he begins.

Students mutter sarcastic comments about that because of my dad wanting them dead.

“I know this will come as a shock,” Tiberias continues. “But I, Tiberias Ayers, am alive. Not dead. And I have every intention of taking back my throne.”

Shocked whispers run throughout the room.

Bash turns to me. “Looks like the catfish is out of the bag now.”

I can only nod.

“I’m sure you have many questions,” my uncle continues. “I’ll give you a brief synopsis. My brother tried to kill me. He broke his banishment and worked with some of his friends to get into the castle and use my own trident against me. He looks exactly like me, so it was easy for him to get in. Nobody questioned him, and he took full advantage of that. He attacked me by surprise and actually did kill me initially. But one of my quick-thinking aides jumped into action and revived me. He hid me in his home until I fully recovered. I want you, my beloved people, to rest easy now. Know that I’m going to reclaim my throne and undo the edicts my brother placed on you, but he has barricaded himself and I can’t get to him yet. Please be patient, but know I’m on your side and always will be. Much love to each of you.”

The screen goes blank before returning to the anchors.

Several students turn to me. They shout over each other. I can’t tell what they’re saying, but one thing is clear.

They see me as the enemy.

Bash pulls me out of the room and down the hallway. The shouting continues and students file out of the dance hall.

My heart races. Terror grips me. It’s a good thing Bash is pulling me along. He takes me down corridors people rarely use. Somehow, we end up at the dorm.

I turn to him. “Won’t this be the first place they look for me?”

“They can’t get in if the door’s locked!” We race up the stairs and down the hall to the suite. Voices follow us. We’re barely ahead of them. I unlock the door, and we race inside. Bash slams it shut and locks it.

I lean against the door and gasp. “What are they going to do to me?”

“Nothing. I won't let them.”

“No offense, but you’re one merman against an entire crowd!”

“It’s too bad we don’t have your trident.”