Chapter 17

Bash pulls me into an empty classroom, pins me to the wall, then kisses me deeply. I melt against him, let myself forget about all of my worries. Enjoy the fact that my thoughts are mine alone again. I half expect that voice in my head to make a snarky comment, but all I hear is blessed silence. And Bash’s breathing.

Much better.

Except he pulls away. Looks at me with a dazed expression. “As much as I’d love to keep this up, you have another practice to get to. I don’t want to be the reason you’re late.”

“I’ll take the heat.” I press my lips on his.

But he pulls away again. “I’m actually kind of worried about you pissing off Earwyn when you don’t have your trident. Remember what she did to you in the woods?”

I frown. “I hate it when you’re right.”

“She’s bound to be doubly angry now that you beat her at sparring.”

“But she has no room to complain after seeing me best Mr. Brant.”

Bash gives me a quick kiss. “Let’s just get through this term, then we can spend all the time we want together over the break.”

“Nothing sounds better.” I thread my fingers through his, and we make our way to the main part of the building.

Groups of students race by, talking in worried tones.

I turn to Bash. “Great. What’s going on now?”

“No idea. Let’s follow them. You might be late, though.”

“What gave you the idea that I care? Let Earwyn complain. I’ll sleep with the trident if I have to. She isn’t going to touch me.”

We follow the groups to the dance hall, where a large TV is turned on.

Bash gives me a puzzled expression. “We’re not allowed to watch anything during the week.”

Someone turns to us. “Someone called a press conference and wants everyone in Valora to watch.”

I inch away. My dad has to be behind this. Nobody has announced Tiberias’s return, and my dad surely wants to save his hide first. Everyone loves my uncle and hates my dad. I don’t want to be anywhere near any students. I’m going to be public enemy number two. Maybe three, if the people decide to turn on Middlebrooks, as well. Either way, it isn’t good.

Bash squeezes my hand. “You okay?”

I shake my head. “Not even close.”

He starts to say something, but then someone speaks on the large screen. It’s a merwoman with long auburn hair and a shimmery black shirt. “Thank you all for joining us this evening. We have a big announcement coming from the castle tonight. I’m told it will be groundbreaking, but that’s all I know.”

The camera moves to a merman in a suit. His eyes dart around. “I hope the new king isn’t going to announce we’re all his slaves now.”

“Watch what you say. Who knows what he’ll do to you?” The anchorwoman laughs nervously.

My stomach knots.

The anchorman shrugs. “Can it be worse than the last decree he passed? The beard tax. I mean, really.”

“I suppose not.”

They share more nervous laughter before the guy looks back at the camera. “We’d like to hear from you. What do you think the crown will announce tonight? What’s so big that everyone in Valora must tune in? Call the number on your screen or tag me on SnapFish Chat. All the info is on the screen.”

He and the woman discuss theories for a moment before taking calls and reading comments online. People share outlandish ideas that make me want to run and hide.

A few people in the room turn and glare at me.