I sound like a maniac.

I know exactly what I’m doing.

At least one of us does.

My trident glows, sending massaging waves of strength throughout my body. It aims for Earwyn’s temple. She barely moves out of the way in time.

“No head shots!” Mr. Brant yells.

“Sorry!” I call to him then whisper to my weapon. “Follow the rules, would you? We can’t do much if I’m not allowed to use you.”

Laughter echoes through my mind.

This has to be a cosmic joke.

Nope. And by the way, we’re underwater not in the skies.

A trident with a sense of humor. Just my luck.

The weapon swings itself around so fast I can barely keep up. Earwyn blocks some shots, but mostly moves out of the way. I’m kind of glad she is getting out of the way because the force would probably injure her. Severely.

Now she’s breathing heavily and her face is growing redder. She’s really struggling to get the upper hand.

Watch this, and for the love of everything holy, hang on!

This can’t be good. I tighten my grip, and as soon as I do, the trident flips and spins around so fast I can barely follow it with my eyes. It nearly decapitates Earwyn before pinning her on the ground. She cries out and gasps, dropping her weapon.

“Match!” Mr. Brant calls.

Earwyn scrambles back, gasping for air. “What in blazes was that? Are you trying to kill me?”

I pull the trident behind me. “No! I swear.”

Mr. Brant helps her up then turns to me. “That was amazing! Have you been practicing behind my back?”

I just shake my head.

“Spar with me.”

“What?” I stare at the teacher.

“I challenge you to a match.”

Do it! The trident rises into the air, basically showing my agreement.


Mr. Brant beams. “Let me grab my spear.”

Bash hurries over and wraps his arms around me. “Where did all of that come from?”

“My trident. It wasn’t me.”

“And you’re modest too.”

“No, really. It was the weapon.”

He kisses my cheek. “Put Mr. Brant in his place. I’m going to be rooting for you.”