Bash shakes his head. “Nobody does. When is Tiberias going to announce that he’s back?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

He rises and helps me up. “Let’s get you to the weapons room.”

So much for the learning spell. I’m not going to have any time to study.

We make our way through the building to the weapons room, where Earwyn and Mr. Brant are sparring.

“Am I too late?” As if I’d be that lucky.

They stop, and Earwyn wipes her brow while Mr. Brant turns to me. “Good, you’re here. Grab your trident.”

Awesome. I give Bash a quick kiss before heading over to the weapons cabinet. My trident glows before I even reach for it. Interesting. Maybe it missed me over the last two days. It warms quickly in my hand, and the heat rushes through my entire body.

“Miss me?” I whisper.

The word yes echoes through my mind.


Maybe I need to get some more sleep. Despite spending two days in the suite, I really didn’t get a lot of sleep.

Let’s get to work.

I spin around, expecting Earwyn to be behind me. She’s across the room, talking with the teacher.

That was me, not your arch nemesis.The sound bumps around in my head.

“Uh …”

The trident glows. You’d better get used to this.

Oh, crap. This is really happening. I’m losing my mind.

No, you’re not. Let’s discuss strategy.

With my weapon? Who apparently can listen to my thoughts?

Exactly. You and I need to work together just as I once worked with Sirena.

I drop the trident. Thankfully, we’re in water and not air, so it doesn’t crash to the ground. I come to my senses and wrap my hand around it again. “You’re trying to tell me you were Queen Sirena’s weapon?”

Not so loud. But yes.

“What in Hades? How’s that possible?”

It’s been so many centuries and passed through so many hands that nobody realizes it. I’ve never revealed myself until now.

This can’t be happening.

Oh, it very much is. Things are about to get real, and we need to prepare.

“What’s my connection to her?”

“Marra,” Mr. Brant calls. “Come over here.”

“What’s the connection?” I ask again.