He holds my gaze. “It’s said that her early family life was complicated. She was forced to grow up fast and learn about the cruelty of the ancient world. Some speculate that’s why she was so peaceful and full of wisdom and ruled so well for so long.”

“I hadn’t heard that.”

“I’m not sure if it’s true, of course.” He leans back and his gaze rests behind me again. “Most everything known about her is legend. For all we know, she never even existed. But I like to think she did.”

I twist my hair. “Now people are saying she probably did.”

My uncle leans forward. “And now her magic and power has settled on you.”

I hate to ask the next question, but if anyone knows the answer, it would probably be him. “Why would it be me? I’m not next in line anymore.”

“Aren’t you?” He taps the desk.

“You’ll probably marry and have successors. Dad and I aren’t in the picture anymore.”

“I have no marriage prospects, and there’s no way in Hades I’m going to stand for my brother ruling in my stead, so you’re next in line. Heir to the throne.”

“How can you keep him from being king if you die?” I ask, then quickly add, “Not to be morbid. But he’s your brother, so … next in line.”

Tiberias sits up straight. “Not if I write an edict. I already have a lot of cleaning up to do with the decrees your father has signed into law—I can’t believe he raised the retirement age. And I wouldn’t be the first king to write someone out of the line of succession.”

I swallow. That means he could easily write me out too. Maybe that isn’t such a bad thing.

“I’d be honored to have you follow in my path, love—especially with your link to Queen Sirena. I would give anything if I could be alive to see the society under a modern Sirena.” His gaze wanders behind me again.

My heart thunders. He doesn’t want me taken out along with my dad. I’m actually safe.

I hope he’s not playing me.

He turns his attention back to me. “Is there anything I can do for you before I send you back to the academy?”

I chew on my lip, nervous to ask for what I really want. What if he’s testing me, and I’m not supposed to request anything?

“Go ahead and ask. I don’t bite.”

The corners of my mouth twitch as my mind takes me back to my childhood. That was an expression he used several times when I was timid. “Okay. I don’t suppose you can do the spell that will help me learn quickly? My mom used it on me because I needed it, and I need it again now because of all the things going on. I’ve hardly had two minutes to study and—”

“Say no more.” He gives me a reassuring smile. “Close your eyes.”

I do.

He whispers in a foreign language. A warmth spreads through me. “It’s done.”

“Thank you.” I open my eyes. “I don’t deserve your kindness, Uncle Tiberias.”

“Sure you do.” He writes something on a piece of paper. “Come by anytime you need something.”


“Of course. My door’s always open for you.” He flips through some papers. “Actually, I have another question for you, if you don’t mind.”

Do I have a choice? “Okay.”

“Tell me, did you get the Ayers power?”

My throat closes up. Does he know about what I did to the rioters?

“If you have it, I can help you with it. I’m assuming your dad left you on your own to deal with it. Am I right?”