“Fine.” I take it and have a tiny sip.

He sighs dramatically. “Seriously? That’s how you drink?”

I glance at Halen for some support.

She grabs hers and guzzles a bunch before setting it down. “That, my friend, is how it’s done.”

“I’m basically an alcohol virgin, okay? It isn’t allowed on the surface until you’re twenty-one.”

“Really?” Bash makes a disgusted face.

“Yep.” I tap the bottle.

“And kids don’t drink anyway?”

“I don’t. I mean, my parents have allowed me some sips of wine at home. No big deal, but being in a bar … it just feels like I’m doing something wrong. Like I could get kicked out at any moment.”

Bash nods. “Good. After what your dad pulled, you deserve some rebelling. Drink up!”

Halen raises hers. “Drink up!”

The image of my dad announcing his engagement at the banquet without first telling me or Mom runs through my head. Then I see my mom racing out of the castle. Dad’s image seems to darken, like I’m seeing him for what he really is finally—a power-hungry dictator. Selfish and greedy.

Maybe all the rumors about him actually hold some truth. The hatred for him could have some merit. Perhaps more than just some.

I bring the bottle to my mouth and let the bitter, fizzy drink fill my mouth. Then I swallow and a warmth spreads through me. Suddenly, things don’t seem so bad. Sure, my dad’s still a jerk and he’s fooling around with my dean, but who cares? I have Bash and Halen. My hair is a gorgeous color, and I won’t have to go to a hairdresser to keep it up. I’m following in the path of a legendary queen, one previously thought to be mythological. And I can sing like a siren.

Life is actually pretty good.

I turn to Bash. “What’s in this stuff?”

“Their secret recipe to help improve the mood.”

“How?” I try to arch a brow, but it doesn’t cooperate.

He kisses my cheek. “Don’t worry about it. The food’s here.”

A server brings over an enormous plate of something that looks like a cross between nachos and lasagna, but with oysters lining the edge of the plate. I’m not sure whether to be intrigued or grossed out.

“What’s this?” Halen asks.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what it is.

Bash thanks the server, who leaves, then he turns to us. “The most delicious thing you’ll ever eat. I promise.” Then he pulls off a piece and stuffs it in his mouth, then closes his eyes and moans.

His obvious pleasure brings heat to my face. I look away and take some of the weird-looking food. Study it. It has noodles, chips, meat, and cheese. Seriously the strangest concoction I’ve ever seen.

“Mmm!” Halen says. “This really is good.”

Now I’m more curious than anything, so I shove some into my mouth. My taste buds basically sing, it’s so delicious. It’s hard to describe the taste. An odd mixture of sweet, spicy, and savory.

The three of us dig in, stuffing our faces, acting as though we’re afraid the others will eat it all before we get more. By the time every last morsel is gone from the plate, I’m completely full. I finish it off with the mood-enhancing drink and lean against the back of the seat, all problems forgotten for the time being. And I’m glad. Don’t want to think about them.

Bash threads his fingers through mine. “Want to sing?”

I give him a double-take. “Right now?”

“Why not? You two are right. Somebody does need to replace that merwoman. She’s getting worse with each song.”