“It’s fine,” Middlebrooks answers for me. “We’re leaving now.” Then she drags me out of the suite.

“Ow! Watch it.” I yank my arm away from her.

“You’re far too close to letting them know what’s going on.”

“Doubtful. I barely know what’s happening.”

She leans close to me and whispers, “Your father and uncle are preparing for the battle of the century. And your uncle has called for you.”

My stomach knots. “Me? Why?”

“I don’t know, but you’d better not leave him waiting.”

“Why did you refer to him as the king back there? Did he dethrone my dad?”

She shakes her head. “At the moment, we have two men who both think they’re king. Your dad is trying to have his brother imprisoned, while Tiberias is planning a big reveal announcing he’s not actually dead. He wants the people to decide Drake’s fate.”

“And they want him dead.”

Middlebrooks nods. “They most assuredly do. Let’s hurry and find out what your uncle wants from you.”

I swallow. “Hopefully not blood.” Then a thought strikes me. “Can I bring my trident?”

She shakes her head. “Just yourself.”
