I move closer, holding her gaze. “Not about anything else?”


Halen comes next to me. “Why do I get the feeling I’m missing something?”

Middlebrooks looks at me. “You haven’t told her?”

“Of course not.”


Halen throws me a bewildered glance.

Knock, knock!

Bash. All of a sudden, I’m flooded with emotion. I haven’t seen him in two days and how much I’ve missed him hits me like a ton of bricks. “Come in!”

Middlebrooks scowls at me.

I don’t care. About anything other than my boyfriend. I throw my arms around him and cling to him.

He squeezes me back and kisses my cheek. “I was going to ask if I did something, but you don’t seem upset with me.”

Middlebrooks clears her throat. “Marra, we need to go to the castle.”

My stomach lurches. “I need to study.”

“You’ve had the last two days for that.”

I want to throw a textbook at her smug face. “Why do we have to go there?”

“Because the king has requested it.”

It takes me a moment to consider my wording since I don’t even know who is king now. “What does he want with us?”

“We’ll find out when we get there.”

“He doesn’t want to cast us aside, does he?”

Middlebrooks glares at me while Bash and Halen exchanged confused glances.

“Why would he do that?” Middlebrooks asks.

“You know how things go with the court. Although, I’m not really sure which court we’re dealing with at the moment.”

Bash opens his mouth to speak, but Middlebrooks beats him to it. “No more questions. Let’s go.”

“What’s going on?” Halen demands.

Middlebrooks straightens her back. “It’s official business.”

Halen puts her hands on her hips. “We’re all of the royal class here.”

“Some matters are more sensitive than others.” Middlebrooks waves me over. “We need to go.”

I turn to Bash and Halen. “Sorry. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

Bash rests a hand on my arm. “Is everything okay?”