Tiberias extends his palm. “Marra’s right. Hand over my trident. The one you used against me.”

My dad jumps back, holding the weapon close. “You’re dead!”

Uncle Tiberias tilts his head. “Do I really look deceased? I thought you were smarter than that.”

“Leave! I, as king, banish you from Valora!”

Tiberias arches a brow. “You can’t do that. I’m the real king, and I’ve already banished you.”

My throat closes up. If he banishes my dad, that means I have to leave too. I’ll get to see my mom again, but I’ll have to leave Bash and Halen behind.

Dad inches even closer. “Except I was coronated king. I’m in power now, whether you like it or not.”

“It isn’t valid, brother. You may have ruled in my stead—against my wishes—but I never stopped being king. You’ve merely been living out a dream. But in your blind jealousy, you failed to properly assassinate me.” He turns to the guards. “Arrest this imposter!”

“Stop!” My dad holds out the trident. “As king, I demand you to arrest that imposter!”

The servants once again stare at each other.

I struggle to breathe. As the king’s daughter, whatever happens to him will likely happen to me too. Middlebrooks meets my gaze, and the wild look in her eyes tells me she’s thinking the same thing. As fiancée to the king, she definitely gets the same punishment.

Although, if Tiberias takes his throne back and declares my dad never was king, Middlebrooks and I may be okay if he banishes or imprisons him—or worse, kills him. But if he does kill my dad, that means I won’t have to. Not that it makes me feel much better. Either way, my dad’s life is on the line, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Not if my uncle’s accusations are true. If my dad tried to kill him, nobody can protect him unless Tiberias chooses to have mercy on his twin.

My dad holds up his trident higher. “I said to arrest this merman!”

Tiberias pulls something from a pocket. A ring. He slides it on his finger. “The crest of the true king. Arrest Drake Ayers, the false king of Valora!”

Middlebrooks stands between them, holding her hands out. “Perhaps we should take this to the royal court to decide.”

Dad glares at her. “I am the court!”

She shakes her head. “You’re the crown, my love. Emotions are high. The royal court will see clearly. They will look into the law, and they will make the right decision.”

My dad’s nostrils flare. “How can you suggest that? You’re supposed to be on my side!”

Middlebrooks gives him a double-take. “I am on your side! The court will choose the honorable side, and that’s you.”

Dad’s mouth forms a straight line. “Nobody needs to question me. I am the King of Valora!” He waves his hand at his brother. “You’re not real. Ghosts can’t lead a kingdom! Go away. We don’t allow whatever magic you’re using to be here.”

“Always the melodramatic younger brother.” Tiberias waves him off. “You know I’m speaking the truth. And even if I were a ghost, the fact that I’m accusing you of killing the previous king means you should be put to death according to the law. Take the court, my brother. You at least stand a chance of survival. Perhaps they’ll even give you banishment and you can live the rest of your life on land.”

“Never. Back to the grave with you!”

I clear my throat. “Uncle Tiberias, would you allow me to go back to the academy? It’s getting late and I need to study.”

He studies me. “What year are you, love?”

The question catches me off guard. With everything else going on, it seems so insignificant. “First-year.”

Uncle Tiberias nods. “If you do return, I need you to give me your word you won’t speak a word of this to anyone.”

“Why not?”

His expression turns woeful for a moment. “I want to be the one to announce to my people that I’m alive and well—that I’m still their king.”

I nod. “I promise to keep it to myself.”

Uncle Tiberias wraps his arms around me. “It’s so good to see you again.”

His embrace surprises me, but I recover quickly and hug him back. “And I’m so happy you’re alive.”

He moves back. “Don’t speak a word, remember.”

I pretend to zip my lips and throw away the key.

Tiberias turns to my dad. “I have a better idea than the royal court. Let’s take this to the fine people of Valora. Let them be the judge between you and me.”

His words are like a knife in my chest. They will execute my dad.