Chapter 13

“Where is he?” I look around the nearly-empty throne room.

Middlebrooks is sitting in the seat my mom occupied before she left. Several servants stand hidden in various places around the room, but now that I’m used to them it’s easier to spot them.

“Have a seat.” Middlebrooks waves to one of the other seats in front of the throne.

I shake my head and pace. “Has this ever happened before? All this rioting?”

“There’s usually some amount of political unrest when someone new comes to power.”

“Was it like this when my uncle took the throne?”

“Not that I ever saw.” She looks deep in thought. “There were a few quiet protests, but nothing lasted long. He won everyone over quickly.”

“Why won’t Dad do that?” I pace more furiously.

“Your father and his brother are two completely different personalities. Whereas Tiberias was concerned about keeping everyone happy, Drake is more concerned about policies and the state of the kingdom. There are many hidden weaknesses thanks to your uncle, and your father is working hard to fix them before they grow to be real problems.”

I try to take in her words. “He thinks he’s making things better?”

She nods. “Not that the commoners appreciate what he’s doing. All they can see is that things are going to be more uncomfortable for them for a time. But in the long run, everything will be better for everyone. It’ll take time, that’s all.”

I plop onto one of the chairs and close my eyes. If Middlebrooks thinks my dad is doing the right thing, she won’t be any help trying to convince him to change his ways.

A commotion sounds near the entrance of the room. My heart sinks as I imagine armed protesters. I turn around and thankfully see my dad and his servants.

One of the servants enters ahead of my dad. “All rise!”

I hold back an eye roll and get up from my chair.

Dad makes his way to his seat, kissing Middlebrooks before sitting.

“You may sit,” the servant announces.

I do, but only because I want to hear what Middlebrooks is going to say before I speak my piece.

“What brings you two here this evening?” My father grins. “I wasn’t expecting to see either of my ladies this fine evening. And I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you came together.”

Middlebrooks sits up taller and gives him a plastic smile. “Drake, my love.” She speaks slowly, glances at me then back to him. “We have an issue at the academy.”

My heart leaps into my throat. The woman is going to throw me under the bus. Jump right in with the fact that I admitted to beating up another student. Never mind the fact that we have bigger issues. She’s going to go wicked-stepmom on me.

Middlebrooks glances back at me. “Sit, Marra. You can speak after me.” She turns back to my dad after I sit. “We had a protest this evening. It got out of hand. The faculty had a hard time getting the students to calm down.”

And here we go. She’s going to tell him I misused the Ayers power. Never mind the fact that nobody’s ever taught me how to properly use it.

Dad nods for her to continue on.

She clears her throat and readjusts her position in the seat. “You might want to reconsider some of your new decrees—not that I’m criticizing your decisions. Perhaps think about how it affects the students. You can’t expect them to be happy about the lowered minimum wage. I don’t think anyone is, actually. It might be helpful to think about the people of Valora.”

Someone clears his throat at the entrance of the room. “That sounds like a mighty good idea, Drake.”

My dad’s face loses all color. His mouth opens, but he doesn’t say anything.

Next to him, Middlebrooks’s eyes grow wide and she gasps.

I spin around. Stare at the merman. He has my dad’s face but without the beard. Has some bruising and stitches, but otherwise is a mirror of him.