“I could talk to him, but I can’t guarantee he’ll listen to me.”

“And that’s why he needs to die! He’s ruining lives, and he won’t listen to anyone. Not that it’s surprising since he killed his own brother to take power.”

I lunge for him. He raises a fist at me. Bash jumps between the two of us. Shoves the guy into a wall and squeezes the collar of his shirt. Punches him in the face. Repeatedly. The girl screams then pulls out a shell phone.

“Who are you calling?” I reach for her phone.

She yanks it away. “Security! Who else?”

“Don’t!” I grab Bash’s arm and struggle to keep him from beating on the guy any further.

“What’s going on here?” comes a voice from behind.

My heart sinks. I turn around.

Middlebrooks. Her hands are on her hips and her face is reddening. “What in blazes?”

I let go of Bash. “These two said my dad needs to die!”

Mrs. Middlebrooks’s eyebrows draw together as she looks back and forth between Bash and me and the other couple.

My heart races. She has to take our side. They want her fiancé dead.

She stares down Bash. “You assaulted him?”

I jump in front of him. “It was me! I did it!”


There’s no way I can let Bash take the fall and get expelled. “Yeah, me.” I hold up my hands. They’re bright red, presumably from the green energy I used to char the trees. “If you have to punish anyone, it’s me.”

“Is that true?” Middlebrooks asks.

I spin around and glare at the two of them, everything taking on an emerald hue.

Color drains from the girl’s face. She nods. “Yeah. Marra punched him. I think she was trying to kill him. She sure had that look on her face like she wanted him dead.”

I glare at her, but turn away and try to calm down. Can’t let Middlebrooks see my Ayers power.

“Take him to the infirmary. I’ll deal with these two.”

The guy leans against his girlfriend and they head down the stairs.

Middlebrooks glares at me. “I don’t know what’s going on but—”

“They said my dad needs to die!” I interrupt.

Her expression tightens. “That doesn’t give you the right to beat kids up.” She glances at Bash’s bloody fists. “Either one of you. You need to keep yourselves together. Things might get worse before they get better, and we need to do everything possible to make your father look as good as we can.”

“He’s doing this to himself with the decrees he’s implementing!” I clench my fists, then unclench them when I see the color forming.

She gives a slight nod. “And with any luck, between the two of us, we’ll be able to talk him out of it. But he doesn’t see the protests in the same way we do. He’s in the castle, insulated from everything.”

“Maybe that needs to change.”

Middlebrooks looks around. “That’s exactly why you and I are heading over there right now.”

“What? No. I’m staying right here.” I try to stomp a foot that isn’t there. I just end up wiggling my tail. Hardly as effective.

“We’re going. Now.”

Bash kisses my cheek. “Go with her. Maybe you can convince him to change his ways.”

I have a feeling it’s going to be a fruitless endeavor. But I follow Middlebrooks anyway.