“I’ll be happy when these protests stop!” My fists grow warm again. I stare at the door to the deck and make my way over to it.

“Marra, what are you doing?” Bash catches up to me.

I’m so furious, I have to hold back from taking out my anger at him. So I ignore his question and make my way to the deck where the shouting is now louder than it was before.

That’s my dad they’re screaming about.

Anger boils to the point I can’t control myself. The green hue has taken over everything. It all looks fuzzy. The only way to deal with the fury is to release it. I lean over the railing and scream so loud my throat goes raw. Hurts, burns.

My hands feel on fire. They’re glowing like nothing I’ve ever seen. Lightning bolts shoot out in all directions. Death chants radiate in the background. I cry out again and open my palms toward those who want me to lose my one remaining parent.

“Marra!” Bash calls in the background.

Electric green bolts fly out from my palms and race toward the crowd. Arms wrap around me, pressing my hands to my side. I crash to the ground, but Bash takes the brunt of it. A deep emerald light flashes in the water. Shouts sound below, but these are fearful. Not demanding.

Relief washes through me. My body goes limp against Bash.

He jumps up. “What did you do?”

I crawl over to the railing and look down between the bars. People are still shrieking. They’re now racing around in chaos. Many of the hideous signs are now on the ground below them.

Bash turns to me. “Grab your bag! We have to get out of here now.”


“So nobody suspects you of causing that.”

“The protest?”

“No.” He points to the side. To where several trees have been charred black.

“I did that?” I grasp the railing.

He turns to me, wide-eyed. “That could’ve been students!”

I still can’t believe I did that. All the way from here, no less.

Faculty members rush outside and corral the madness before them.

Bash hurries inside and picks up my bag. “Come on! We need to get somewhere far from here.”

I race over, my mind a daze. We race down the stairs, and I stop at my level. “Let’s just go to my room. It faces the opposite direction of all that.”

“Good thinking.”

On the way to the suite, a guy and girl block our path. The girl glowers at me. “Your father deserves to die for what he’s done! My parents are both going to lose their jobs. I might not be able to keep going to the academy!”

“I don’t know anything about that decree, but it doesn’t warrant his death!”

The guy gets in my face. “Did you hear what she said? She could lose everything! Because of your father, who doesn’t care about anyone but himself.”

Bash moves closer to me. “You need to give her some space. Now.”

He doesn’t budge and keeps staring at me. “What are you going to do about it?”

“The decrees?” I ask.

“Exactly.” His nostrils flare.