“Sounds good to me.”

Bash swims up over the railing. “Don’t get too close to them.”

“Believe me, I have no intention.”

We make our way down and stay close to the building. The shouting grows louder, and they’re definitely pissed at my dad. Some are calling for his death while others are chanting about him going to prison.

I turn to Bash. “What in Hades are they so furious about?”

He shrugs. “Got me.”

We swim over to the garden and tuck ourselves between some flowering bushes.

“Justice for Tiberias!” some yell.

“Down with Drake!”

My stomach knots. If these students get out of control, they pose more of a danger for my dad than I ever will. I turn to Bash. “I need to warn my dad!”

He shakes his head.

“Why not?”

“Protests have been happening all over Valora. This one isn’t any worse than the others.”

I frown. “Then what am I supposed to do? Just sit here?”

“You can’t stop them.”

“Wait. I know what to do!”

He arches a brow. “What?”

“I need to get Middlebrooks! She’s his fiancée and she’s a dean. She can punish all of them.”

“For what? There’s no rule against peaceful protests.”

“Peaceful?” I exclaim. “Someone just demanded my dad’s head on a platter!”

“They aren’t damaging property or hurting anyone. They’re just expressing their opinions.”

I scowl. “To kill my dad.”

“He’s hardly the first king to receive opposition. Just wait until you get to next year’s history lessons. Your dad is one of many—and some of those who were hated at first ended up doing great things and being loved later. This is normal after the untimely death of a beloved ruler.”

“People act like my dad killed my uncle. How could he when he was busy with life on the surface? He worked so much he hardly had time for me or my mom. There wasn't a chance for him to sneak down here to off his brother.”

Bash pulls me close and kisses my forehead. “Let them protest. I’m sure your dad will prove himself, but it’ll take time. We just have to be patient.”

Unfortunately, patience is something I have in short supply.