No, that’s not all I want, but it is one thing from the long list of things I need.

Earwyn shoves me again then shoots me a death glare. I glower back at her then turn back to the teacher, who’s now showing us how to wave.

I sigh. This almost makes dessert with my dad and Middlebrooks seem like fun. I’d definitely rather be studying.

“Any questions?” asks the teacher.

Someone actually has one. A question about how to wave. I bite back a comment and wait for the teacher to answer.

“Now I want you big sisters and little sisters to work on your smiling and waving techniques. Tomorrow we’ll move onto other things.”

Like breathing? Thinking?

Earwyn turns to me, her face flushed. “What’s with you?”

“Nothing. What’s with you?”

Her mouth forms a straight line. “First you show up late, then you don’t even pay attention.”

“I know how to smile and wave, thanks.”

“Oh, so you’ve been in a pageant before? Won one?” Her tone is so full of snark, I could bottle it and sell it.

“No, but I know how to do both. Been complimented on my smile plenty of times. I know that’s a concept you aren’t familiar with.”

She puts her hands on her hips. “Having Mommy say your smile is nice doesn’t count. Especially when she has never won a pageant.”

I glare at her when what I really want to do is fight, but she already showed me what she’s capable of back in the weapons room. “Let’s just practice our technique. I have to study.”

“Just stay focused. We’re going to have to depend on each other.”

“What does that mean?”

“We’ve been paired as sisters.” She looks at me like that’s supposed to mean something.

“Can’t we just ask for new partners?”

“Sisters,” she corrects. “And no, we can’t. It’s you and me until the winner is announced.”

I plaster on a fake smile. “Let’s get to work on our technique, then.”

She buries her face in her palms. “You have so much work to do.”

With her as my pageant buddy, I definitely do.