Chapter 10

Earwyn slams me onto the ground and presses her blade to my neck. “Match!”

I struggle to get up, but she doesn’t release her weapon.

Mr. Brant comes over and grins. “Great work, Earwyn.” Then he goes over to another pair sparring and gives pointers to one.

Earwyn smirks at me. Still doesn’t release her hold.

So, I shove it aside and sit up.

“Got some work to do before you spar the reigning champion.” She fluffs out her hair. “He’s so intimidating, he makes grown mermen cry.”

“Shut it.” I march over to the other side of the gym, where my trident flew before she pinned me.

She snickers. “You think I’m messing with you?”

I glare at her, ready to take her down by any means necessary.

Mr. Brant claps. “Great practice, everybody! Same time tomorrow. And don’t forget to sign up for one-on-one training. The Spartan Athletic Academy is projected to win most every level this year, and we can’t let that happen.”

Earwyn glances at me and turns her nose up. “If that’s the case, shouldn’t we drop Marra from our team?”

I tighten my grip around the trident.

He shakes his head. “I’ve been given orders. She faces off with Zayn Landon.”

Groans circle around the room. My face flames. Anger surges through me and I turn to the teacher. “Can I at least take my trident to practice with it?”

Mr. Brant folds his arms. “Nope. Rules are rules. Sign up for extra sessions.” He looks around the room. “I recommend that for each of you.”

I bite back a sarcastic comment and set my weapon in its place in the cabinet.

Earwyn twists her mouth at me as I pass by, then goes back to flirting with the most talented guy in our group. He’s the only one of us projected to win his level in the competition.

On my way out, I sign up for a couple one-on-one spots, then make my way to the suite where Halen is studying.

Relief covers her expression when she sees me. “I’m so glad you’re here! I can’t take another moment of this spell. It won’t work, and I’m going to fail the class.”

I fall onto my bed. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”

“This spell is my final project. If I don’t pass, I have to retake the whole class.”

“I’d offer to help, but I’m the loser of the remedial magic class. I can’t even do a basic spell everyone else learned in the second grade.”

She plops down next to me. “You did the spell, though. Just not like Ms. Falls wanted it done.”

“Same thing.”

“No, you still did it. How did your class go today?”

I close my eyes. “She lectured us about not giving into our frustration. Everyone glared at me the whole time, knowing I was the reason she was giving the speech.”

“How about sparring? Is that getting any better?”

“If you call Earwyn humiliating me in front of everyone better, then yeah, it’s going great.”

“Ugh. Want me to spar with you?”