Chapter 6

Istare at the book as it floats down toward the ground.

Bash grabs it and places it back on the shelf. “Marra, say something.”

The words won’t come. All I can do is blink.

He brushes some hair away from my face. “It isn’t your future. It’s her past.”

I swallow and speak with a shaky voice. “I have to kill my dad.”

Bash shakes his head. “No, you don’t.”

“It was right there. She had to kill her father because he was threatened by her power. My dad will also be threatened by me. He’s obsessed with being king.”

Bash cups my chin. “Listen to me. You aren’t Queen Sirena. Maybe you have her powers, or similar ones, but you aren’t her.”

I struggle to breathe. “I need to get out of here. Rudder needs to remove this spell.”

“Okay, but you have to promise me you won’t let this get to you. You aren’t—”

“Her. I know. Come on. I’m going to forget about this. I never should’ve come here.”

His expression falls. “This is my fault.”

I shake my head. “It’s all on me. I’ve been the one trying to figure it out. I should’ve known there was a reason it was kept secret. It should’ve remained that way.”

He puts his hand on my shoulder, but I jerk my arm away from him before he sees the tears in my eyes. I race for the door, nearly bumping into a librarian. She looks around, then shakes her head. “Is someone there?”

My stomach drops, and I freeze.

“Is someone here?” she repeats.

Does she suspect someone is here under a cloaking spell? Do students do this often? The idea might be a lot less brilliant than I thought.

The librarian moves closer to me.

I cover my mouth. Then I move back slowly, not wanting the movement of the water to capture her attention.

“Hello?” She looks around, her gaze landing on me.

My heart skips a beat. She can’t know I’m here. I back away farther.

Right into Bash. He starts to say something, but stops. Then he throws me a questioning glance and gestures toward the librarian.

I cover my mouth with my first finger.

“Who’s there?”

Bash grabs my arm and pulls me away from her.

“I see the water moving!” The librarian has her hands on her hips, but she’s no longer facing me.

Relief washes through me. Bash tries to comfort me, but I can’t focus on what he’s saying. Our whole trip to the band’s practice room goes by in a blur.

Am I really going to have to kill my dad?

I may be furious at him, but the last thing I want is to have to kill him!