Chapter 4

Istruggle to stay focused on the teacher. She’s explaining a spell that will remove teeth from a fish. A basic protection spell, apparently. It would come in handy, but I’m too tired to care. After hours of studying, I tossed and turned trying to figure out where the secret fourth-year library could be.

The only thing that came to mind was the mysterious door near the weapons class. I need to find a way in. Doesn’t matter that I’m only a first-year. As much as I despise being a princess, I’ll be happy to take advantage of the perks when I can. Especially if I’m destined to become an all-powerful queen.

I sound so stuck-up, but I’m not. It’s just that I need to know about my destiny. Maybe everyone’s wrong about me being like Queen Sirena. If her story is so hidden that it’s locked away in a mysterious library, the rumors could be all wrong.

Then I’d have to look somewhere else to figure out what under the sea is going on with me and my hair—and how my trident and my singing all play into it.

It’s just so weird.

“Marra Ayers.”

I snap my attention to Ms. Falls. Her arms are folded and her mouth pinched tightly. “Yes?”

“Why aren’t you paying attention?”

Because I have bigger problems than this remedial magic class. I don’t know why the other students are in it, but I grew up in a magic-less land and have to learn things my friends learned in primary school. “I was up all night studying.”

“So, you know how to run this spell?”

I shake my head. “Not a clue.”

She narrows her eyes. “Then I suggest you pay attention. I don’t care who your dad is. In my class, you’re no more important than anyone else. Figure this out, or fail the class.”

Hushed whispers and laughter rolls across the room.

“That goes for all of you.” She spins around and makes a note on the board.

Maybe what I need is a tutor. Someone who knows a lot about magic—perhaps someone from the School of Magic Arts. I just need to get through this term, then I can focus on Queen Sirena during the break. I’ll have all the time I want. At least I can rest easy, knowing Dad won’t want me at the castle. I barely had time to scarf down one meal after traveling all the way to Valora from land before he sent a servant to take me to the academy.

It isn’t like a few weeks will make a difference in the grand scheme of things. Queen Sirena will still be ancient history, and I’ll still have my weird magical powers and pink hair.

I realize Ms. Falls is speaking again, and I force myself to pay attention. She’s drawing circles and lines on the board, and none of it makes any sense. Definitely need to make friends with someone from the Magic Arts School.

“Now it’s your turn. Make the teeth disappear before you can leave. I don’t care if the bell does ring. You don’t leave until your fish’s teeth are gone.”

The other kids file up to the front of the room and gather ingredients. I follow and pick up what they do. When I get back to my desk, a small fish with its tail nailed to a board is sitting on my desk. It snaps at me as I near it.


I watch the other students. A few look as lost as I am, but most are getting down to business. One girl holds up her hands and speaks in a foreign language. Her fish’s teeth disappear.

“Ms. Falls! I did it.” She glances over and smirks at me.

The teacher hurries over and takes a look. “Beautiful work. See you tomorrow, and don’t forget to read chapter twelve.”

“Will do.” She beams then gathers her things and leaves.

Several kids grumble. At least I’m not alone in my annoyance.

“Five minutes until the bell,” Ms. Falls announces.

The guy next to me puts some spices into his bowl. “I’d like to hit her with a bell.”

I turn to him. “Want to work together?”

“No talking.” Ms. Falls glares at us.