Chapter 20
Ipush my plate away from me, tired of pretending to eat since I’m stuffed from cake. If I was invisible, it wouldn’t have mattered. But here everyone keeps looking my way. At least most people smile—except the three stooges. They send me death glares every chance they get. No surprise there.
I’ve been avoiding Bash’s end of the table. He’s the last person I want to think about. I’d take Earwig over him at this point. Kissing me then telling me to go back to the surface. Like I need that kind of negativity in my life.
But curiosity finally gets the best of me, and I peek over.
He’s looking right at me.
I’m caught.
Or is he the one caught?
I hold his gaze.
He doesn’t look away, and I’m not going to be the first to. He was staring before me.
But why? The jerk clearly doesn’t give a ripple about me. He’d probably be thrilled if I left. And why not? He basically said as much before storming away.
I narrow my eyes, trying to silently ask what his deal is.
The hideous horn sounds. They seriously have more announcements? At least I can get out of here after that. I still have other classes to study for. As much as Middlebrooks would love to think her class is the only one in existence, I have other quizzes and essays to worry about.
The dean gets up and repeats some announcements already given, then two other teachers get up and repeat some more. My eyes are growing heavier by the moment.
Finally, we’re excused. I whisper a quick goodbye to my roommate. The only thing I want is to get back to the suite and study there. I don’t get what the big deal is about the library. Sure, there are an endless row of books to use as reference if I have questions, but it’s so hard to concentrate with everyone watching me.
Halfway to the dorms, music sounds down a hall toward Bash’s band’s practice room. Relief washes through me. If he’s busy singing his heart out with Neva, that means I won’t run into him.
Good. I’m done watching them from behind a plant, done torturing myself wondering if he and Neva are together or not. I don’t care about any of it. He can regret kissing me and personally send me away from Valora for all I care.
Because I don’t. Care, that is. Not about him, his music, or Neva. None of it.
I round a corner, almost to the dorms. Almost to peace. Solitude.
There stands Bash. He’s right in front of the stairs. Blocking them.
I’d rather go somewhere else than deal with him, so I spin around and head in the other direction.
“Wait,” he calls.
“Can’t. I have important places to go.”
He swims over and stops in front of me. “If you have to be somewhere else, why were you heading this way?”
“I was going to get something from my suite but changed my mind. Excuse me.”
“We need to talk.”
“No, we don’t.” I move around him, but he blocks me again.
“Actually, we do.” He does that eye thing again, and my stomach tingles.
I look away before he can talk me out of leaving. “Sorry.”
“Why are you so eager to leave Valora?”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Why do you care?”