Chapter 18
Ifinish scrubbing the floor and look around the gym. It probably didn’t shine like this when it was new. There are no more remnants of the dance. It’s ready for classes on Monday.
Now I can get started on my homework.
The bell rings. Time for dinner.
My stomach rumbles. Homework will definitely have to wait. I’ve worked up a ravenous appetite.
When I arrive at the Royal’s table, Halen wrinkles her nose at me. “You didn’t meet me in the library.”
“It took me all this time to get the gym clean!” I sink into the chair next to her. “Not only that, but Middlebrooks brought my dad here again.”
“Seriously? For what?”
I arch a brow.
She sits taller. “They told her that you locked them up?”
I pile food on my plate. “Yep. Even though I never ratted them out for trying to kill me. No good deed goes unpunished.”
“Did you tell Middlebrooks what they did?”
“I told my dad.”
Her mouth drops open. “What did he say?”
I want to tell my best friend about the threat on his life, but I’m supposed to keep this to myself. “He said he’d look into it.”
She frowns. “Well, hopefully now those three will leave you alone. If they do, I can’t see why you’d get in any more trouble.”
“Except for the fact that Middlebrooks seems to enjoy doling out consequences.”
Halen pours herself coffee. “She’s as jealous of you as those three codfish.”
I give her a double-take. “You think so?”
“Heck, yeah. Do you see the way she looks at you? The woman is drowning in envy.” She turns and joins her friends in a discussion about a swim coach I don’t know.
I think over all the comments and conversations I’ve heard about my dad since arriving. Nothing sounded threatening. Just seemed like typical political angst, like anything I’d have seen on land. People get so worked up over politics but I’ve never cared much. Either because of being surrounded by it as a child in the castle or because I figured there was nothing I could do, anyway. My focus was always better spent on track. For all the good that did. Now I can’t even run. I’m stuck under water with a tail.
The meal ends, and I assure Halen I’ll meet her at the library this time. I just have to go to the room and get my books. Every muscle aches after spending so much time on the gym.
I take a detour on the way to the dorms to look at the gym again. I have to give it a double-take because I can’t believe my eyes. Trash is spread all across the floor.
Earwig and her dogfish.
Anger surges through me so strongly that everything takes on a yellow hue.
“Marra!” comes a familiar feminine voice.
My stomach clenches, imagining Mrs. Middlebrooks behind me. It takes me a moment to register that it’s another familiar voice speaking. My Mom.
“What are you doing here?”
“We have to talk.”
“This isn’t a good time.” I glance back at the gym. Garbage is still spread all over.