Why does she keep calling my dad by his first name when everyone else calls him by his title? The woman is so full of herself it makes me want to punch the smug look right off her face.

She nods, but says nothing. Makes me wonder what my dad’s telling her. I picture him telling her off for being disrespectful, but then she smiles. “Wonderful, Drake. We’ll be in the gymnasium. You remember where that is, right? Still where it was when we were students here.” Her grin widens. “Perfect. Buh-bye.”

I hold back an eye roll.

She puts the shell phone down. “You get your wish. We’re going to the gym and you can start cleaning up. Your father will meet us there.”

“Still won’t tell me what’s going on?” I narrow my eyes.

“You really don’t know?”

“Not if you don’t tell me.”

“We’ll discuss it when your father gets here.” She mutters something I can’t make out, then she grabs my other arm and squeezes it.

I try to pull away. “That hurts. You won’t get away with this.”

“There may be laws against corporal punishment where you grew up, but I assure you there are no such luxuries here.” She digs her fingers deeper, making me cry out. “I’d be on your best behavior if I were you.”

“You really think my dad is going to be happy about you punishing me for being hazed? Once I explain to him what’s really going on—”

“No more talking. Unless you want to add to your punishment.”

“Aren’t you already adding to it now? Bringing my dad in to discuss something you won’t even tell me about.”

“You just earned yourself cleaning up after next week’s dance. Want to make it the following one, as well?”

I bite my tongue. This woman has lost her mind. She must be related to Earwig. That’s the only explanation. Actually, it’s not. She’s so disrespectful toward my dad, she probably thinks he killed his brother. She probably hates me and my parents—and lucky me. I get to take the brunt of her vitriol.

We reach the gym, and she shoves me inside. “Get to work.”

I gasp at the sight. Food and drinks have been spilled everywhere. Stains of something green line the walls. Part of the decorations? Not only that, but the place has been trashed. It would take ten people all day to get the gym cleaned.

“I didn’t say to stare. Start cleaning!” Mrs. Middlebrooks pinches my arm.

I spin around and glare at her. “Stop doing that!”

She lifts a brow. “Don’t test me. Your father is already going to be furious when he arrives. This is the second time he has to leave his post to deal with your antics.”

Maybe I should just slap her across the face. I’m already in enough trouble. What’s a little more?

She leans against the wall. “Tick, tock.”

I’ll wait to hit her until after my dad leaves. Maybe he’ll set her straight and I won’t have to, but if he doesn’t, then I’ll do it myself.

In the meantime, I make my way around the gym and collect empty cups and plates. It’s like nobody knows where the garbage cans are located.

Mrs. Middlebrooks hums. When I glare at her, she smiles.

I’m definitely going to smack that woman.

Before long, she spins around and looks out into the hallway. “Oh, hello, Drake.”

My stomach knots. He’s probably going to side with her. That’s what he did last time. I’m going to have to be more convincing.

Dad comes into the room, and Mrs. Middlebrooks moves right next to him. I half-expect her to squeeze his arms. Of course, she doesn’t.

“What did you do this time, Marra?” my father bellows.