“For at least the rest of the school year? Give it that much.”

“I don’t want to make any promises.”

Her expression falls. “Not even for me?”

“Only for you am I staying at all.”

Halen’s brows draw together. “If you leave, I’m going to be furious with you. Just know that.”

“The only place I’m going right now is the dining hall.”

“Good.” She flings open the door and greets her friends.

I wait until they’re in the hallway before leaving the room.

Pearl wraps her arms around me. “Thank you for letting us help put Earwyn in that closet last night! I’ve been wanting to do that forever.”

“I didn’t really do anything.”

“Are you kidding?” She pulls back and her eyes widen. “Everything has changed since you got here! Those three are really being put in their place.”

“Glad I could help, but really, I haven’t done anything.”

Halen throws me an I-told-you-so look.

The others jump and share their excitement about Earwig being knocked down a notch or three. We head for the stairs, and a fourth-year girl stops me. “You’re the best!”

“For what?”

“Earwyn, Vanya, and Cove!” She hugs me and heads downstairs.

On our way to the dining hall, four other people I’ve never talked to before stop to thank me.

A warmth spreads through me. Maybe being here isn’t so bad, after all. By standing up to that queen bee, I’ve actually helped others. I don’t know how, but clearly Earwig has spread her hate far and wide. And in some small way, I’ve helped to offset that.

In the dining hall, upper-year students crowd around, vying for my attention as they talk about how grateful they are.

It’s surreal. I’m tempted to pinch myself.

Finally, everyone clears some space and I have a seat. I pour myself a big mug of black coffee and gulp it down, though my headache is already getting better without the caffeine. I fill up on sandwiches and return thumbs-up to students I don’t know.

I notice three empty chairs where Earwig and the dogfish usually sit. “Did someone let them out? If not, we’d better—”

“No worries.” Halen grins. “Someone left the janitor an anonymous note after the dance. Word is, he let them out early this morning. Given what they did to you, I’d say the punishment fits the crime.”

The horrible horn sounds, but I think I’m getting used to it. Even with my lingering headache, it isn’t nearly as bad as it was the first day.

My magic arts teacher gives some announcements for the weekend, then he dismisses us.

Halen turns to me. “I’m going to the library to study for that government test. Want to join me?”

“Will you still be there in a couple of hours?”

She nods. “You better believe it. Middlebrooks’s tests are killer. She always asks the most obscure questions.”

“I’ll definitely join you. I have to take care of my punishment first.”

Her eyes widen. “That’s right. You have to clean the gym. I’ll help.”