Her eyes narrow. “I didn’t say I thought he killed your uncle.”

“You aren’t denying it.”

Halen’s mouth forms a straight line.

“So, you do think it!”

“I didn’t say that.” Her tone is terse.

“Then deny it.”

“I don’t know what happened. Nobody does! King Tiberias’s death is shrouded in mystery. I’m just glad you’re back. I’ve missed you so much all these years.”

“And I’ve missed you too. But just because I want my life back doesn’t mean I want to leave you. You’re my best friend, Halen. You’ve proven that every moment since I’ve been back.”

“Then why not stay? Give it a chance, at least? Forget about leaving and just see how everything goes? You might actually like it here.”

“I do like the idea of spending more time with you.”

“What’s the but?”

Sighing, I sit on my bed. “If I don’t finish high school, I won’t get into college. I’ll lose my place on the track team.”

“Are you going to be a princess up there?”

“I don’t want any part in government—anywhere. You know what it’s like. Power struggles, politics, and everything that goes with all of that.”

“Yeah, but you get benefits like this suite.” She looks around the room. “Your father just had to say the word, and we got this right out from under Earwyn and the dogfish.”

A thought strikes me. “And if I leave, they win.”

Halen nods. “They go back to terrorizing everyone and thinking they’re better than everybody.”

I rub my temples. “You make it hard to leave, you know that?”

“Good. My best friend is finally back, and I want her to stay.” Halen sits next to me. “What else do I need to do to convince you to stay?”

“How long do you want me to stick around?”


I close my eyes and keep rubbing my head. Coming to Valora was a mistake. I’m glad I reconnected with Halen, but everything else has been a bust. Why didn’t I go to Ivy’s house and make myself at home in her closet? I could’ve waited my parents out. Dad wouldn’t have searched for me forever—he was too eager to get back here and rule. I don’t even know why he insisted on me joining them. It’s not like I’ve spent any time with them since we returned, except for me getting in trouble.

Knock, knock!

“You two coming to lunch?” Lumen calls from the other side of the door.

Halen puts a hand on my arm. “You coming?”

“Yeah.” If nothing else, I need to nurse my headache with some coffee.

Halen jumps up. “Just a second!” She rummages through my closet then throws a cute lacy top at me. “Hurry up and put this on!”

I’d rather wear a hoodie and try to be invisible, but I do what she says. Too achy to argue about it.

“You’re going to stay?” She pleads with her eyes.

I pull my hair up into a messy twist. “Yeah.”