Bash closes the distance between us. His nose brushes against mine. Our mouths almost touch. His gaze intensifies. “I could end up hurting you.”

My heart races. “I don’t care.”

“But I do.” He takes a deep breath. “And that scares me.”

I can’t take it a moment longer. I press my lips on his. They’re soft, and he tastes of punch and mint gum. The scent of his cologne envelops me. His hand tightens around mine. He cups my chin.

This isn’t my first kiss, but it may as well be. I’ve never experienced anything like this. An energy runs through me. I can’t get enough. Need to have more of him. To know him fully, his secrets and everything. He’s a mystery I want to unravel.

He pulls back, breathing as heavily as I am. His eyes are darker, like a brewing storm. “This was a mistake.”


“I shouldn’t have—I’m sorry.” He leaps up.


He flees down the hallway and is out of sight before I realize what just happened.

“Wait!” I race after him, but he’s nowhere to be seen.

I search for him down several halls before giving up.

What happened? We were connecting, weren’t we? And that kiss … it was beyond unbelievable. It was magical.

I lean against the nearest wall and close my eyes. Go over our conversation in excruciating detail.

Could he really be scared of hurting me? Or does he regret kissing me?

Or maybe he’s right about us being completely wrong for each other. The only reason we met was because it was a punishment. It wouldn’t even surprise me if Mrs. Middlebrooks did that on purpose—thinking we would hate being forced together. If she had any idea how mind-melting that kiss would be, would she still have put us together?

“There you are!”

I turn to Halen. “I needed some space.”

She looks around. “Where’s Bash? I thought you two might be together.”

Tears threaten. Stupid, weak tears. I blink them away. “Nope.”

Concern fills her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I loop my arm through hers. “Let’s go in there and dance the night away.”

She gives me a funny look, like she doesn’t quite believe me, but she nods. “Sounds good to me.”

We head back to the dance hall, but I glance back hoping Bash has changed his mind and come back.

He hasn’t.