Chapter 15
The beat from the music echoes down the hallway. Bash hands me his punch, and I take a sip. As much fun as it was to dance, we both quickly grew tired of the whispers and came out for some air. I mean, water.
“Why isn’t your band playing?” I hand him back the cup.
He gives me an incredulous look. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. You guys are better than that one.”
“Nobody wants us playing.”
“Why not?”
He lifts a brow. “The real question is, how do you know what we sound like?”
“I’ve heard you practicing.”
“Have you?”
“That’s what I just said.” I take the cup and finish off the drink.
“Good thing I didn’t want any more.” The corners of his mouth twitch. “When have you heard us?”
“I stumbled on you guys by complete accident. I heard the music and followed it.”
“Everyone hates our music.”
“That’s crazy. You know that, right?”
He shrugs and flicks his hair back.
“I’m serious! On land, you guys would be famous.”
“No, I’m serious. You’re that good.”
He leans his head against the wall. “Too bad we’re not playing up there.”
“What’s stopping you from going to the land?”
His brows draw together. “Are you serious?”
“Other than the fact that it’s so far away?”
“It’s not impossible. I’ve made the trek twice. It wasn’t so bad. Well, other than my dad nearly losing an arm.”
He gives me a double-take. “No, that’s not bad at all.”
I chuckle. “Okay, it sounds bad, but he still has his arm.”
“Even so, I can’t go.”
“Why? Are you scared?” I tease.
Bash frowns. “I’ve been stripped of my ability to form legs if I go to the surface.”