As I near him, I hear some girls asking about Earwig. I shouldn’t be surprised that people notice her group’s absence, but it does make me nervous. What if someone goes looking for them?

I don’t have time to worry about that because Neva nudges Bash, who looks my way. He smiles slowly, giving me that breathtaking crooked smile of his. Part of me wants to run. I hate what he does to me. Actually, it’s starting to grow on me. He’s starting to grow on me.

I hope I’m not going to regret this. My heart threatens to explode out of my chest, but I press on and give him my biggest smile. “Hi, Bash.”

“The mermaid of the hour!” He holds up a hand for a high-five.

A high-five. Disappointment washes through me. But seriously, what was I expecting? A kiss?

I don’t let my emotions show, and I give him a high-five. The rest of his band also gives me high-fives, including Neva.

Bash introduces me to his band—Rudder, Gill, Bahari, and of course Neva. They all talk over each other, discussing how great it is to not have to worry about those three showing up and acting like we don’t belong.

Neva leans close. “I’m so thrilled, you’re my new best friend.”

“Hey!” Bash gives her a mock over-exaggerated hurt look.

She rolls her eyes. “You know nobody could ever replace you, you goober. I’m going to get some punch. You want some?”

He shakes his head.

Neva looks at the other guys. “Come with me to get the drinks.”

“I’m not thirsty.” Rudder gives her a funny glance.

“Come on.” She nods toward Bash then me.

“Oh, right. Yeah, I could use some punch.”

The three other guys follow her away, leaving Bash and me alone.

And my mind goes completely blank. I stare at him for inspiration. Get lost in those eyes.

He rubs his scruff and leans against the wall. “It was fun locking those three in the closet.”

“You guys did great.”

“Couldn’t have done it without you.”

I shrug. “I didn’t really do much.”

“You made the whole thing possible.”

I try to think of something to say. Anything. Nothing comes, so I look away.


“How are your cuts?” He comes closer and examines my face, runs his finger along my jawline.

I can’t breathe. He smells so good. Looks even better.

He tilts his head, concern filling his eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Everything’s healing great.”

“You’ve got to be the toughest person I’ve ever met.”
