I crumple my napkin. “I have more than a few things to say to them. It won’t be a problem.”

Halen glances over at the mean girls. “Be ready to leave when they do.”

That awful horn blares, but somehow it doesn’t seem as offensive as it did at first. It’s not painful enough to cover my ears. I scarf down the rest of my food, knowing Earwig will be leaving soon. They always seem to exit right after the announcements.

Mrs. Middlebrooks gives the first set of announcements, discussing the big dance. I do my best to pay attention but all I can think about is how I’m going to lure those three to the closet. We need a back-up plan.

I start to whisper to Halen but she shushes me. “We don’t ever talk during announcements.”

“Great.” I sigh and force myself to listen.

The woman goes on and on. I think she just likes the attention, and she has everyone’s.

Finally, she stops. Then a really old guy gets up and talks about some competition. Two more faculty share, but I can’t focus. As soon as we’re excused, I have to get to work.

The last teacher dismisses us.

My heart jumps into my throat. Earwig rises, quickly followed by her two dogfish. Halen nudges me.

I swallow and stand. Bash gives a little nod with that crooked grin of his. He could get me to do anything with that smile.

The three stooges take their time exiting, like their princesses in a parade. Everyone has to see them, and they slow to talk to some of the more popular students. They completely ignore our group.

Halen pokes me. “Go!”

“I am, I am.” I scurry out of the chair and follow them.

As I pass Bash, he reaches out and brushes his hand on my arm. “You’ve got this.” He does this thing with his eyes that make my heart nearly explode. His hand is still on my arm.

I’m going to die. I’m really going to die.


“Right.” I pull my attention away from him and race after Earwig. She and her friends are already out in the hallway. I race over and glare at her. “Looks like your plan failed.”

She scowls. “Out of my way, you cod.”

I straighten my back and shake my head. “I made it through your initiation, so now I want you to leave me alone.”

Earwyn sizes me up. “How’d you get out?”

I shrug. “Does it matter?” Then I head in the direction of the closet.

Vanya catches up to me. “You can’t talk to Earwyn like that.”

“Really? Because it looks like I just did.” I don’t stop, but I do slow, giving everyone else time to get in their places to lock these three in that closet.

“How did you get out?” Cove demands.

I sigh dramatically. “It wasn’t really all that difficult.”

Earwig narrows her eyes and looks me over. “I can still see your cuts and bruises despite your awful makeup job.”

I ignore the jab and stop. “Mrs. Middlebrooks wanted me to tell her who did that to me. Turns out your initiation wasn’t an academy-approved event.”

The three of them exchange a glance before Earwig shoots me a death glare. “Did you tell her?”

I cross my arms. “What do you think? Have you gotten in trouble for trying to kill me?”