“You know that dance tonight?”

“Um, what?”

“The dance in the gym.”

My stomach clenches. No wonder Middlebrooks wants me to clean the gym. It’s going to be a disaster after a party. “Haven’t heard anything about it.”

“It’s no big deal, really. We have them all the time. But Earwyn and her dogfish—”

“That’s what Bash calls them.”

“And it’s perfect. Anyway, they always try to be the center of attention. Make the whole event about them.”

“What? Are we going to initiate them? Beat them up?”

Halen shakes her head. “Better.”

My stomach knots so tightly I’ll never be able to eat dinner. “What?”

“We’re going to lock them up! They won’t even be able to go.”

I freeze in place. “They’re going to be out for blood! My blood. They’ll tell Middlebrooks, and I’ll get in worse trouble than I’m already in.”

She shakes her head. “Not after what they did to you. You can threaten to snitch if they get you in trouble. It’s perfect.”

“They’ll give me another initiation.”

“With both Bash’s band and my friends helping us, they’ll be afraid to go up against so many people.”

“Except that they’ll only want to go after me.”

“You worry too much. Oh good. There’s Bash.”

I glance in the direction she’s looking. He’s out of the V-neck and now in a shirt and tie, but the top few buttons are undone and the tie is loose.

My heart explodes, and my stomach turns to liquid. He’s going to kill me with his good looks. And there’s no way I’m going to be able to pay attention to a word he says. It’s a good thing Halen filled me in, or I’d have no idea what’s going on.

Bash makes his way over. I try to smile at him but I notice another tattoo peeking out on his chest.

He’s going to kill me, for sure. It’s not the three stooges I have to worry about.