“I’m sure you will.” I leave, slamming the door behind me. Probably going to get in more trouble for that, but I don’t care. All I want is to get some sleep before dinner. I’m glad it’s Friday, because that gives me the weekend before I have to finish my homework. I can sleep tonight.
I spin around. Bash is headed my way. He’s out of his school uniform and wearing a fitted black V-neck. It shows off every muscle.
And I can’t stop staring. Look at his face. Look at his face.
He gives me a crooked smile and his eyes shine brightly.
I lean against the wall and struggle to breathe normally. The only way to do that is to look away from him. I stare at a spot on the wall behind him.
“I’ve been thinking about our plot against Earwyn and the dogfish.”
“What are you looking at?” He glances behind him then back to me.
Crap. Now I’m going to have to look at him. Not that it’s so bad, but I won’t be able to think straight. Or at all.
I get lost in those blue eyes. He’s talking, but I have no idea about what. Focus!
“What do you think?”
“About what?”
He tilts his head and wrinkles his forehead.
The look sucks the water straight from my lungs. “Huh?”
Bash shakes his head. “I forgot you’re sleep-deprived. Why don’t you take a nap? And I’ll figure out the details. We’ll meet up before dinner. Sound good?”
“Uh, sure.” I wish I knew what he was talking about. Maybe my brain will be able to process it once he’s out of my sight. And not wearing that shirt. I need to picture him in something else. A garbage bag. I imagine him in an ugly black bag. Nope. Still gorgeous.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Get some sleep. Do you need anything?”
“Like what?”
He shrugs. Even that simple move makes my heart skip a beat. “Painkiller or something?”
“No. I’m fine.”
“Meet me before dinner.”
Somehow I manage to make it to the suite without getting lost. A few upper-year students turn their noses up at me. I smile sweetly. If they’re going to be jerks, I may as well make them feel bad about it. Or at least question their allegiance to a first-class medusa.
Once in my room, I collapse onto the bed and fall asleep as soon as my face hits the pillow.
Someone shakes me.
“Let me sleep.” I pull the pillow over my face.
The shaker yanks it away. “Time for dinner!” Halen’s chipper voice has never been more annoying.