Chapter 12
My hand shakes as I knock on Mrs. Middlebrooks’s door.
“Come in.” Her tone sounds chipper. She must’ve forgotten I was supposed to stop by. Maybe I should leave. “Is it locked, Marra?”
So much for her forgetting about me.
I open the door, and nearly pass out when I see who’s inside with her. I just stare.
“Come on in.” My father waves toward himself.
“And close the door.” Mrs. Middlebrooks smiles sweetly.
No wonder she’s being nice to me. The king is sitting across from her.
I close the door. “Hi, Dad.”
He frowns.
“Sit, Marra.”
I do, but scoot the chair away from him.
“In trouble already?” He picks up his trident and taps it on the floor.
“It wasn’t my fault.”
“Whose, then?” His dark eyes stare me down. At least they aren’t turning yellow.
I clear my throat. “I’d rather not get anyone in trouble. Some students thought they’d give me an initiation.”
“Is that why you have cuts?” He studies my arms.
Mrs. Middlebrooks leans over her desk. “I assure you we don’t allow such behaviors. I’ll get to the bottom of this immediately.”
My dad looks me over. “You won’t say who did this?”
I shake my head.
“Then I can’t help you.”
My mouth drops open. “What?”
“You heard me.”
I just stare at him. He can’t be serious.
He turns to Mrs. Middlebrooks. “If she won’t say who did this, we have to assume it’s all her fault that she’s gotten herself into trouble. Punish her as you would any other student.”
She glances at me, an evil shine in her eye, then quickly smiles at my dad. “Are you sure? It is her first day.”
Can’t he see through her?
Dad rises. “You’re in charge here. She’s a student. You don’t need to bring me in for this.” He waves dismissively and heads for the door.
“Dad!” I rise. “Students beat me up! Don’t you care?”