“Marra!” comes a feminine voice.

My stomach knots. I spin around. Prepare myself for the worst.


If I had pants, I’d pee them. Relief washes through me.

She rushes over. “What happened?”

“Earwig and her followers.”

“Earwig? Oh! Earwyn did this to you?” Her brows furrow. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Tell me on the way.”

It’s embarrassing, but I tell her what happened in as little detail as possible as we make our way to the suite.

Halen brings me to the bathroom and starts washing the blood off my face. “There’s no initiation like that. The fourth-years made us serve them for a day, and as annoying as that was, it was nothing like this.”

“Ow! Not so hard.”


“It’s fine. Hey, why aren’t you in class?”

“I was worried about you.” She moves to my arm.

“You didn’t think I just went to class early?”

“With your key on the nightstand?” Halen shakes her head. “I knew something was up. Plus, I remember you always slept in as a kid. Can’t imagine you’d become a morning person.”

“Definitely not.” I yawn.

“Did you get any sleep last night?”


Her nostrils flare. “We have to get them back!”

I shake my head. “I don’t even want to think about that right now. All I want is to climb into bed.”

“Let’s grab some coffee. You can’t miss classes.”

“Even after what I’ve been through?”

“You can’t snitch. They’ll make life even worse for you.”

I sigh. “Life on land was so much easier.”

Halen squeezes out the wash cloth and works on my other arm. “What was that like? Are humans really as bad as everyone says?”

“They aren’t that much different. Some are mean, others are nice.”

“Any cute guys?”

“Yeah, plenty.”

She grins. “You’ll have to bring me sometime. Did you have a boyfriend?”

“No. I’m more into track and keeping my grades up for college. But there is this one guy—”