If—no, when—I get out of this, I’m going to make it my number one goal to take down that trio. I’ll destroy them. Socially, that is. I’m no killer, even with as furious as I am at this moment. I’ll prove to them that we Ayers are not to be messed with, and not because my dad is king. But because I’m strong and smart and now have something to prove.

They’ve just unleashed a monster. Assuming I can get free. And find my way out of the woods.

My shoulder pops, so I give up trying to reach the knot. I’m going to have to find another way out of this rope.


My heart skips a beat. What was that?


I hold still. Don’t even breathe. Not that it matters. That fish can probably smell me. My bloody nose might have attracted every meat-eating predator out there.

More howling sounds in the distance. Is it my imagination, or is it closer this time?


I look around, trying to force my eyes to see better. Doesn’t work. Can’t see anything. Whatever’s making all those noises can probably see me. Its mouth is likely watering at the scent of my blood.

My pulse drums in my ears. At least it drowns out the growling and howling. I can barely think. Barely breathe.

I fight against the rope. Wiggle. Struggle. Scratch myself against the tree. Hit my head on the rough exterior. Burn my skin. Need to try that electricity thing again.

I close my eyes. Focus on my hands. They grow warmer.


What was that? I hold still and listen. Focus on my fists again.


I try to break free again. Struggle. Try the electricity. My palms heat up.


Could the rope be loosening? Breaking?

Hope surges through me. I give it my all, ignoring all my pain. My hands feel on fire.


My right arm comes free. It’s free! Holding my breath, I pull the other one out. Part of the rope falls loose. The rest is still tightly wrapped around my middle. I yank and twist, then snap! It all comes off.

I’m free!


I swim away. Go in the direction I think we came. It’s hard to tell. Hard to remember. I could be heading away from the academy. As long as I get myself out of the forest, I don’t really care at this point.

Rustling sounds behind me. Something is following me. Probably something with enormous teeth. My heart pounds so hard I can barely hear anything else. I duck into a bush and breathe deeply. Need to calm myself. Have to think clearly, be able to hear.

I pull myself into a ball as best I can and wait. Listen.

Howling sounds, but this time it’s quieter. Farther away. At least I’ve distanced myself from whatever that is. Now I just have to worry about what was growling and rustling leaves.

Everything is quiet. My entire body aches. My nose and jaw throb. The rope burns are more on fire now than when I was tied.

More rustling. Louder. Closer.