I move the points closer to him. “Good. Don’t forget.” Then I wave Halen and Bash out, and we leave without another word.

Halen gasps. “I can’t believe you stood up to him like that! And he listened!”

“It’s the trident.” I turn to Bash. “Where would your aunt take the king as a hostage?”

“There’s a question I never thought I’d be asked.”


“I’m guessing their cabin. The mansion would be too obvious.”

“Let’s go.” I head for the main part of the academy.

“We should head out the back.” Bash nods toward the other way. “Where people won’t see you carrying the glowing trident.”


He leads us down a dark hallway until we come to a nondescript door. It leads to a parking lot for underwater cars, which are surprisingly similar to the ones on the ground. “This way.”

We stop at a motorcycle.

“Are we going to steal it?” I ask.

“It’s mine.” He unlocks a storage box and pulls out two helmets.

Halen frowns. “I take it I’m staying here.”

I look at the motorcycle. There’s no way all three of us will fit. “It’s actually for the best. I need you to talk to my mom. We need to find out if my dad’s actually missing.”

“You think Middlebrooks is lying?” she exclaims.

“No, but my mom might know more. What if he faked it because he didn’t want to see her anymore? Or what if my mom knows something we don’t? She’ll tell you, especially if I’m headed for danger.”

Halen nods. “Okay, but how am I supposed to let you know what I find out?”

“Call my shell phone.” Bash digs into his pocket and hands her a business card. “I’ll make sure the ringer’s on.”

She looks at it, then me with worry shining in her eyes. “Be safe, okay?”

“Of course. I’ve got Bash and the trident. What could go wrong?”

“Famous last words.” She wraps her arms around me then races away.

Bash helps me get the helmet on before we climb on the motorcycle. It couldn’t be more awkward with the trident. Finally, I put the weapon in front of his stomach and cling to it that way, pressed against him.

“This night is full of things I never thought I’d see or hear.” He starts the ignition, and the engine roars to life.

The ride seems to go on forever. We travel through the outskirts of Valora, managing not to cross anyone. Then we enter a forest. My stomach knots, as it probably always will thanks to Earwyn and her dogfish leaving me for dead.

We pull up to a long driveway. Bash stops the bike then cuts the engine. We’re a decent swim away from a cabin that’s at least twice the size of my house on land.

I glance at my glowing weapon. “What’s the plan?”

He helps me off the motorcycle and takes off his helmet. “I’ll go to the door and talk to them. You stay hidden, and I’ll draw them out.”

My entire body shakes at the thought of the confrontation, but it has to be done. “Has Halen left any messages?”

Bash looks at his phone. “No. Follow me.”