Chapter 26

Halen and I are almost to the weapons room when someone grabs my arm. I spin around, hoping it’s my dad, even though I know that could never happen.

It’s Bash. I throw myself into his arms. He holds me tightly. “What’s going on?”

“My dad’s missing, and I need to talk to your aunt.”

His body tenses, pressing me even tighter against him.

My heart sinks. He isn’t having second thoughts and putting family over this?

He kisses the top of my head. “I hope you don’t hate me for being related to her. I’m really sorry you're dealing with this. I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”

I look into his eyes, relief flooding through me. “It’s not your fault. And besides, it’s obvious how horrible they are.”

Halen clears her throat. “As sweet as this is, we need to get moving.”

My heart thunders at the thought of breaking into the weapon cabinet. Hopefully the fact that I’m trying to save the king will work in my favor. I may have to clean up after another dance, but at least hopefully my dad will be safe and I won’t be expelled.

“What exactly is the plan?” Bash asks.

“We’ll explain it on the way.” Halen races toward the stairs.

When we reach the weapons room, the doors are shut. Probably locked. Either that, or Mr. Brant is inside. This is a bad idea, but it’s the best I have.

I reach for the door.

Bash pulls out a multitool from his pocket. “I know how to pick a lock.”

“Put that away.” I turn to him. “The last thing I want is for you to get into trouble again. Especially over me. Didn’t you say that one more time will lead to a permanent banishment?”

He nods. “But you’re worth it.”

Halen groans. “You two pick the strangest times to get sappy.” She pushes on the doors, and they open.

I stare in disbelief. “That was almost too easy.”

“Don’t speak until you have the trident in your hand.”

I peek inside, expecting the hateful Mr. Brant to be there. He’s not. Nobody is. So I race over to the cabinet and stare at it. I’m about to break and enter. To steal. But is it really theft if the weapon is mine?

“Hurry,” Halen urges.

“I can unlock it,” Bash offers.

“No. I need to do this.” Heart pounding, I move toward the cabinet and reach for the knob. Will an alarm go off? Will it shock me? I take a deep breath. It’s probably just locked.

I pull on the handle. It doesn’t budge. I try again.

Maybe I do need Bash’s help. But I don’t want him getting in trouble.

“I can get it open in under a minute.”

“I’m sure you can, but let me try.”

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Halen says. “Mr. Brant probably has a hidden security system in place, and he could be headed here right now.”

My stomach knots. I yank on the knob again. Nothing.