“It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

“Because she told you that your dad’s missing?”

I fill her in on all of my theory, including Middlebrooks possibly being involved with my dad, but leaving out my insane thoughts about my dad being capable of murder. Just because he’s the most powerful man in Valora and has a temper doesn’t mean he killed his brother. He’d have had to leave the land and come here, which would’ve taken not only a lot of time but also much planning and covering up. He sure did look happy to take the king’s throne, though.

I seriously need to stop thinking like this. He’s my dad, not a killer.

“What are you going to do?” Halen asks.

“I don’t know. It’s not like I know where he is.”

“I have an idea!” She sits up straight.

“That look has always gotten me into trouble.” I groan.

“You need to get the trident and demand answers until you find him.”

I give her a double-take. “You think I should take a weapon that I have almost no control over to help find my dad? How’s that supposed to work, assuming I could even get it out of the gym?”

“Everyone fears tridents. Just point it at people—like Middlebrooks—and demand answers. You’ll get them.”

“And I’ll get myself expelled in the process.”

“If she’s involved with him, she could have something to do with his disappearance, right? It makes sense. Maybe they had a spat.”

I shake my head. “Middlebrooks is as worried as I am.”

“She’s definitely seeing him,” Halen mutters.

I frown.

“Sorry, but it’s the truth.” She pauses. “We need your trident!”

“How am I going to get it? And who am I supposed to use it against?”

But before Halen answers, I know exactly who.