Mrs. Middlebrooks appears around the corner. “There you are!”

I look around. “Me?”

“Yes! Hurry!”

“What’s wrong?”

She grabs my arm and pulls me down the hallway, but doesn’t hold tight enough to bruise this time. “There isn’t time to explain.”

“Should I come?” Halen asks.

“No!” Mrs. Middlebrooks yanks me around a corner.

“What did I do this time?”

“This doesn’t have anything to do with you. Stop being so self-important!”

My mouth drops open. “I’m not—”

“Not another word until we reach my office!”

“Is something wrong? Did somebody get hurt? Is Bash okay?”

“Do you know the meaning of ‘not another word’?”

I glare at her and try to pull out of her grasp. It doesn’t work.

We finally make it to her office, and she lets go. I rub my arm. “Would you tell me what’s going on now?”

She locks the door and lowers her voice. “Your father is missing!”

The room seems to shrink around me. “What? How do you know?”

Her mouth curves down. “That doesn’t matter. Do you have any idea who might’ve taken him?”

Bash’s aunt.

Mrs. Middlebrooks’s eyes narrow. “Who?”

“Shouldn’t I be speaking with my dad’s people? Why aren’t they here?”

“They will be, but first, tell me what you know!”

“I think I should wait for them.”

“There isn’t time!” Her eyes are wild. “Tell me what you know!”

“Why is it so important to you?” I reach for the door.

She blocks me. “He’s the king!”

“You seem more invested in this than because of political concern.”

My mom’s words ring through my mind—she’s worried that he’s seeing someone.

I inch toward her. “Are you involved with my dad romantically?”

The thought makes my stomach turn.