"Tansy," Raul replies immediately. "Veronica is a good friend, though," he hedges.
Bailey shakes her head, firmly. "I doubt that Veronica feels only platonic friendship for you. If she did she would have reached out to Tansy. Did she?"
Raul shakes his head no.
"Then she wants you, or at least she doesn't want you to have Tansy. But if Tansy is pregnant with your baby then you need to make a firm choice and stick with it. Love triangles never work out."
"Sí, Bella," Raul says quietly. He's relaxed enough that his packmates let him go. He looks chastened and embarrassed, but the glint of determination is in his eyes.
"Focus on showing her you'd be a good father," Bailey advises. "That's what she needs right now."
I'm pissed that I have to keep Carter back instead of holding Bailey.
"Who are you?" Joseph, the other ClearHowl wolf, asks.
"Bailey is my-"
"She is a MateLessreina, sí?" one of the LoboGris states.
Those are fighting words. Males erupt along with me. It's not a serious fight. Just something to blow off steam. A lesson in not denying me, my girl. She isn't MateLess because she'smine.
I get a few solid hits in before a whistle pierces the air and we all freeze. It would be comical if I didn't hear Velia's voice a moment later. "Dad, this is Bailey. Bailey, this is my dad, Beta Teague Grim."
"Hello, Bailey," Dad's voice is super-mellow as he greets my girl.
"Hello, Beta Teague Grim," she whispers back.
I'm at her side a moment later, my wolf bristling at the proximity of my dad to my girl. I flash fang at him. All my dad does in return is raise a brow.
"You must be tired," he says to Bailey gently.
She nods, slowly, her eyes warily examining him from head to toe. Nervously she squints her eyes as if that will make Dad shrink a little to a regular-size man.
She wraps her arms around herself and I curse myself silently. Bailey is all alone in the dark of a strange place while I brawl with a bunch of fucking idiots.
"Why don't you head home with Velia while I sort this out?" Dad says to Bailey, still speaking gently.
I growl and snag her waist, pulling her to my side. "I'll bring her home," I snap.
The eyes of the alpha-male narrow on me before flitting behind me. Just like I thought, when Dad sees Raul, his glare becomes glacial.
"Velia," he snaps out. My sister is by his side a second later, looking at us nervously. "Sweetie, take Bailey home. Your mom can't wait to meet her."
"Yup," Velia grabs Bailey's hand and pulls her over to her car, parked crookedly just off the road with the engine still running. I watch Bailey disappear, my wolf howling in rage. She turns and looks back, giving me a tiny wave.
Dad turns and looks over the wolves. We all stir uneasily as his wolf's eyes glow with violent intensity. "I suggest everyone head over to the packhouse," he says mildly.
Wolves move fast when they need to. Bailey would probably have loved to mentally document how quickly the road empties of everything except my truck. Even Braxton leaves.
"You brought the missing girl here?" he rasps out.
"Yeah," I say sullenly, still staring down the dark road in the direction of my girl. "She's secured in the backseat."
Dad's glowing eyes turn to me. "Let's chat about Bailey, son."
I swallow. Fuck.
"Start with telling me who she is."