Page 153 of Conner's Luna

"Bailey's hungry," I mutter, torn.

"We have breakfast in the truck."

I pick my honeygirl up in my arms and bolt.

"Announcement later! One o'clock!"

Bailey waves her hand at Uncle Alex in acknowledgment as we disappear around the corner. Her light-hearted giggles making my wolf wag his tail, yipping happily in response.



The announcement was short and sweet, thank goodness. I try to steal some of the honey from the jar Conner is clenching tight in his hands, but my new hubby-wolfman has turned into Winnie the Sexy-Pooh.

I mock-scowl at him. "Is this not-sharing thing part of our lives now that we're mated?" I ask him. A secret thrill goes through me at the thought that I'mmarried. Holy crap. Uncle-Alpha Alex announced it to the cheering crowd just an hour ago. Apparently, while we slept, he applied for a marriage license. When you're filthy rich, the people who are actually getting married are not required to sign anything.

At least three women have approached me to ask if we're having a wedding, and one woman a couple of years younger than me gave me a scrapbook with the first three pages already filled in.

"I eat the honey," Conner murmurs in my ear. "You already have so much of it."

It's so corny, but I melt a little anyway.

"When all of this shit is over, I'm taking you somewhere nice," he tells me. "Where do you want to go?"

"Switzerland, to CERN," I blurt out before I can think better of it.

Conner throws back his head, laughing. I just blush and smile, until I notice that his mom is crying on his papa's shoulder while the Grim clears his throat gruffly. Other people at other tables are staring at us, most with happy smiles. A few look surprised.

A pair of light grey eyes meet mine for just a split second. I gasp at the color, even across the room those eyes strike me as being something otherworldly. If I didn't already know the girl was a wolf I would have wondered how she inherited such a pure grey color.

The girl offers me a wane smile, but there is something... tired... about her. Her hair is cut super-short and she seems a touch pale. I peer closer, but just then someone walks in between us, and that split-second connection is broken.

I can't see her for a while as people come over to congratulate us. When I look at the grey-eyed girl again, she is glaring hotly at someone else. I follow her gaze, to see Blond College Barbie.

I shrink into Conner without meaning to.

"Bails? What's wrong, honeygirl?"

I don't know how to explain it, except that College Barbie looks bitter enough that if someone bites her she'll taste sour.

Conner follows my gaze and curses under his breath. "Ignore her, babe," he says softly.

It clicks suddenly. "Is she Miss Handjob or Miss Blowjob?" I ask him, right next to his ear to keep it from the others.

He determinedly twists the lid back on the jar of honey. "The second," he mutters.

"No wonder she looks like she sucked on lemons," I murmur. I poke his package under the table where no one can see.

Conner jumps a little, barking a short laugh before sobering. "Georgina is... a slight problem," he says quietly. "She and Sean were dating at the time."

That shocks me a little. I knew there was history there, but I didn't think Conner would ever do something like that to his best friend. No... IknowConner wouldn't do that.

"I was really drunk," he explains quietly, turning the jar of honey in his hands and looking at it pensively.

My red flags start waving. "How drunk?" I snap out.

He shrugs one shoulder. Leaving the jar next to him, he takes a sip of his water, then mutters low enough that I'm the only one who can hear him, "wasted. I don't remember much."