Page 141 of Conner's Luna

"Sorry about what, baby?"

"I know what changed. It's my fault," I tell him. He lets go and takes a step back. I force myself to meet his eyes. Eyes that are wary and confused. "Trey met me and rejected me in June. I think... it must have been the second week. We... Dad and I moved on the 8th of June; I remember the day because it's my friend Maddox's birthday. We shipped everything down then we left after his party. Trey met me the next day and rej-"

"It's not your fault, Bailey!" Conner explodes in fury. Spinning around he punches the wall behind him. "He rejected you then went after Lydia, but the whore was already fucking him before we met!"

The walls tremble a little under his assault, and the light fixtures sway. It's a slight design flaw. They probably should have designed the wolf house a little better.

"C-Conner Montague Grim," I scold him, my voice shaking a little as he unleashes his fury.

He cuts his temper tantrum off with a hoarse chuckle. "Bailey," he approaches me, hands bleeding, and kneels in front of me again. "You're sogood, baby. You don't know all the pieces of the puzzle and... maybe I don't, either, but fuck, this isn't your fault."

"If I had waited even a month..." I shake my head.

"Then I would have Claimed Lydia fully and been stuck with her forever." He shudders. "I can't imagine not having you, babygirl."

Only one thought is clear in my head. I am in love with a wolfman and he is in love with me. I amnotgoing to let Lydia sink her claws into him. He's mine, now, and she is nothing but trouble. I need to play by the rules of this insane game that fate threw me into. I need to stake my own Claim.

"I want you to Mark me, Conner."

He blinks at me in astonishment. Slowly he stands, cupping my face in his hands. "No, Bailey. Don't make that offer, honeygirl."

"I am offering," I say, muffled because his hands are huge and covering half my face. I would be offended or worried that he doesn't really want me, but I can literally feel his body trembling with desire. His eyes flicker and darken before they start to glow. Canines poke from his mouth. His musculature seems to swell and grow right in front of me. It's not the only thing swelling right in front of my face. Holy smokes. Come to mama, big boy.

"Don't... don't make that offer, baby" he repeats. "My wolf can't handle it. Shit," he breathes. He looks at me with half-slitted eyes. "Fuck, Bailey."

I scowl. He is so bossy. He's lucky I love him so much. "I get to choose, Conner," I tell him. "I know I'm ready, are you ready?"

He lets go of me and takes a step backward. My heart sinks.

"Bailey, let me explain?" his voice is low, raspy. His body is starting to tremble slightly.

I nod and brace myself.

"I- If- Shit! If I do... it... Bails, then you change your mind, my wolf..." his voice trails off. He is clenching and unclenching both fists, head bowed, deeply breathing as if he is suffering something awful.

I wait as he says nothing. "What about your wolf, Conner?"

"Over the past few years, my wolf has been maturing. The next couple of years, until I am about twenty-six or seven, my wolf will mature until he reaches his adult size and strength. That's when most Alphasons challenge their fathers for the position-"

"You have to fight?!" I interrupt him abruptly.

Conner flashes me a grin. "Yeah, babycakes. I'll be ready for it, don't worry."

"If you say so," I mumble.

"I know so, honeygirl," he shoots back. "Anyway," he says, becoming serious again, "my wolf was more controllable just a year ago. Now, baby, he's stronger and much more possessive. If we complete our bond then there's no going back. If you want to leave me, I won't let you go. You won't have a choice, anymore. My wolf won't lose you. Understand?"

Isn't extreme possessiveness supposed to be a relationship red flag? I close my eyes and think hard. In the silence, I hear Conner moving, the rustle of something. When I open my eyes, he's put on another muzzle. His eyes are back to his normal green, and they're filled with trepidation and sorrow.

"Conner," I stand up and walk to him, fingering the hard leather and metal cutting into his skin. "I don't like this thing."

He just shakes his head, then points to one of his wicked-looking fangs.

"I think... I'm 98% sure that I don't want to leave you... ever." His eyes soften and his chest rumbles in what almost sounds like a purr. He holds up two fingers. "The 2% is really only if you have bodies buried in your basement," I tell him with a smirk.

I can tell he is grinning behind the muzzle. He shakes his head and reaches for me, but I take a step back when I remember that I still have to tell him about the lab equipment. "Now it's my turn, right?"
